I've been stuck at 8/10 kills for a while now, and I have killed several guardians in their super (killing blow) but it's still stuck at 8/10. Is it still bugged?
Editado por BNGHelp6: 4/4/2019 12:31:11 AMHey there. Thanks for reaching out to us about your issue. You may want to [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12539]clear your console cache[/url] and check to see if that might help with your issue. If you're on a PC: you may want to perform a [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46501]scan and repair[/url] in the Battle.net app to see if that may help with your issue. If that doesn't work, delete the following local cache/settings directories: [quote] [quote][b]– %APPDATA%\Bungie\DestinyPC[/b][/quote] [i]More information[/i]: [spoiler][b]*WARNING* Deleting these will cause you to lose persisted settings, such as logged in users, keybinds and graphics settings in Destiny, etc.[/b] [i]The directory names above are actual paths that can be used in Windows Explorer. For example, if you enter "%PROGRAMDATA%" in the Windows Explorer address bar, it will automatically take you to C:\ProgramData (default), which is a hidden directory.[/i][/spoiler][/quote]