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Destiny 2

Hablemos de Destiny 2.
Editado por Zeljius: 6/5/2019 11:22:54 AM

Petition to rename “Magnificent Howl” to “Howl”.

As there is nothing magnificent about this perk anymore. The change to a 150rpm was really more than enough. That adjustment alone makes it so it no longer heavily overshadows the other 180 archetype handcannons and allows other guns in the 140 and 150rpm archetypes to much more comfortably compete. As LH and NF are just more consistent but their TTK different with the 140s and 150s is negligible. Two tapping in crucible doesn’t happen often given that it’s only a 5 second window. Yeah if you’re teamshooting left and right I GUESS it could be a problem. But honestly they could have still just adjusted it Better. If it even needed adjusting at all. I dunno, your guys thoughts?? Let’s 👏 have 👏 a convers 👏 ation~ 👏

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  • 2 tap happened enough to break the TTK. You cannot have a 2 tap 180 hand cannon that can potentially crit for over 130. It's a game breaker and would have continued to be even at 150. This change only affects people who cannot chain precision. For those that can the third shot will be [u]easy mode body tap[/u]. But that's all you get out of it. If you can't chain precision consistently it's a 3-4 tap like all the others. It's called bringing it in line but rewarding skill. No more BS 2 taps. No weapon should have been able to do 130 crit. It broke the game. It was the most asked for carry/recovery in the game because it made scrubs feel good about themselves and high thumbskill players dominate no-contest Smart and skilled players who use it as it's now intended will still benefit.

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    30 Respuestas
    • i love how you make a similar thread to mine, but i get downvoted into oblivion.

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    • Editado por Ashen: 6/5/2019 5:22:33 AM
      Agreed. Luna’s and NF have become trophies now. I’m a little disappointed, feels like they maybe went too far.

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      3 Respuestas
      • Insignificant howl*

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      • The nerf wasn't needed. The gun is now completely useless and I've wasted all that time to get it. Thanks, you filthy casuals.

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        15 Respuestas
        • Editado por Mostpeacefully: 6/6/2019 4:34:11 PM
          Well bungie you did it. NF is a shadow of it's former self, it has ghost bullets like hell feels like wielding a Toaster, the unique perk is the worst perk in Game practicly not existing the hardest gun to get is now crap.. Also everyone is Camping and we have the lowest Crucible playercount ever.. So guess it's working.. Every other 150/140 hc is still useless and yeaa... If that's the solution it never was Meta in PC and were always fine. Rest to my opinion to Nf: I have both. I only can say People with only Luna are literaly -blam!-ed this gun is dead. Nf will be average a 150 with out a working dmg perk not useless but a none competer for Service Revolver on console. 180 dominate because of bloom. Nf is fine on PC and would also be on console if this wouldn't exist. Most People complaining about are to lazy to put effort into something. I prefer a Luna/NF Meta still more than Kids Camping in spawn with pulserifles and Scouts. The only 150 RPM to play on console is not solving a problem it showcase it more than ever. People which don't see that must be blind that's maybe the reason why they don't hit shots and can't go to fable. To be honest Nf has to be powerfull going to legend is no joke and the reward has to be meanigfull. This is not anymore the gun i grinded for and it's frustrating. That's my Personal opinion a nerf wasn't necessary if we Show PC Meta and the Rest People anyway play the strongest gun it doesn't matter and if it's a gun you worked for it's rewarding. This nerf actually solves nothing Service Revolver will take it's place and this will be more anoying Nf and Luna stoped the rise of jotunn and erentil which are far more potent this next Meta is disgusting bs and you guys will play it.. It's imposting..varity(a big fat noob lie where are all your weapon perfection triumphs i have it and not even 0.1% of the Rest of the community so 99.9% crying about things they don't do anyway that's well... Imposter you should shame) Every other handcanon will still be Bad on console. If you don't want to play Meta than don't do it as long i can do we rans, Phantoms, Multis with White rarity guns there is no problem. So what exactly happend? Right by crying and stating false arguments you destroyed other rewards (sarcasm be proud of yourself.) And this Skill shit is also a bs Argument guys.. A guy that kills you with not forgotten or Luna or idk the spoon of your grandma kills you with everything. I kill you with every gun there is no gun Skill or easy to use gun there are only good players, bad players, situations and knowledge this guns do only shooting not more so WTF? Also People pretend it has no recoil i can showcase it has outbreak prime doesn't have it. I accept a nerf but not an overdose of an nerf making the perk and the special about the gun gone. If bungie really wanted to nerf things right they had made the perk only trigger on headshot and made it exotic. I am not a great Fan of nerfs and would prefer to see that underrated guns like pistols, Scouts, ARs and so on would get buffed but People choose always an easy brain less escape traping thereself in a deathtrap. Look what it brought to you all exotics get nerfed by the same logic like that they are to potent right? That's Karma.. You guys gave them this Argumentation reason. That's also the truth face it or stay blind idc. Orpheus is shit also a former shadow of itself like the others.. This new loot System is a big fat lie you don't get a 100% Chance of New guns and get old shit.. And the new navigator is a total mess there is literaly no overview...

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          1 Respuesta
          • I’m so happy this nerf happened. I’m seeing everybody running different setups in crucible and it’s so refreshing.

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            21 Respuestas
            • Deserved the nerf period. They was making bang average players into God’s

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            • Making them exotic would’ve solved the problem as well and made people choose loadouts more strategically. Then you would have to give up your chaperone, or your wardcliff. The ROF was enough, completely neutering it’s unique perk went way too far

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            • Permission to unironically nerf stupid people jesus christ XD

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            • The range on that perk once activated is crazy far. Personally I like how it feels. To each their own.

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            • Got 14 free cores from the two not forgottens I had on my account :)

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            • I hope this cancer never returns.

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            • It's more a whimper now

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              1 Respuesta
              • "Average howl"...

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              • I think the gun is fine how it is but you get an upvote for making me laugh

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                2 Respuestas
                • Crucible is slightly better without all the crutches running about ngl

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                • it's still around a 10% usage in the overall meta, the only other thing close to that is Dust Rock Blues with a 5% pick rate Imma give a pass to that chief.

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                • My honest thoughts? It’s hilarious that they Nerfed it because too many players were crutching on it. Kind of like they started doing with Erintile at the end of last season.

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                • The gun is still really good

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                • The way you split the word conversation bothers me.

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                  3 Respuestas
                  • Deicyide did a video about the Luna's and NF changes. It's pretty interesting. [url][/url]

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                    • Magnificent meow

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                      • Nah man, puppy’s whimper sounds better.

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                        4 Respuestas
                        • [quote]As there is nothing magnificent about this perk anymore. The change to a 150rpm was really more than enough. That adjustment alone makes it so it no longer heavily overshadows the other 180 archetype handcannons and allows other guns in the 140 and 150rpm archetypes to much more comfortably compete. As LH and NF are just more consistent but their TTK different with the 140s and 150s is negligible. Two tapping in crucible doesn’t happen often given that it’s only a 5 second window. Yeah if you’re teamshooting left and right I GUESS it could be a problem. But honestly they could have still just adjusted it Better. If it even needed adjusting at all. I dunno, your guys thoughts?? Let’s 👏 have 👏 a convers 👏 ation~ 👏[/quote] Delete time, bungle spit in everyone’s faces that got them, and shat on everyone’s chest for letting them be meta for so long

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                        • Editado por Crucify: 6/5/2019 9:30:21 PM
                          For real, i was using NF last night and the gun is still really solid but Mag Howl literally does so little right now to benefit the player that it might as well be removed and we wouldn't notice. Considering how hard the 5500 grind is, BunGG's. Will be looking for other FPS games to fill the PvP slot.

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