Hey we are the Catfish Mechanics. We are a group of about 80+ active members who are adult, chill, and love to play both PvE and PvP. Our group is made up of people who are expert Raiders, fantastic comp players, and people like to play and learn both. We are a group of people who like to master the Destiny 2 content and have a good time doing it, not taking everything super seriously. We have people who have played since D1 beta and people who just jumped into D2.
We use Discord to communicate all clan activity and set up multiple raids almost daily. We understand life is more important then a video game and don’t expect people to grind 24/7. We only ask that you be communicative with clan members and try to setup teams with the clan when you are playing. The more skilled the better but we are happy to try and teach for those that are willing to learn. We are mostly in the US but have members in the UK and elsewhere. There are about 10 spots available so let us know if you are interested.
Check out our #Destiny2 clan! https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3450227
where do i sign up?