When playing comp there are three different game modes, survival, showdown, and rift. The survival and showdown game modes are perfect so I don't have to change my playstyle to be able to play well. whenever I get queued into rift it doesn't matter what I do or how many kills I get it always comes down to the score for rift. In destiny 1 rift was in the game and I got to say, nobody played it. It wasn't enjoyable.
People may say "oh its good in comp it isn't so dependent on kills" or something like that but honestly it should be gunplay alone I don't need to be dunking orbs in crucible. if i wanted to do that id go play rocket league or some game like that. I hop on pvp to get kills and try to win, especially comp if i wanted to play a game mode that shifts away from the life based score I would queue for rift only or played a different game that isn't absolutely ruining the pvp aspect of the game.
I could say some stuff about how they removed elimination from the game so now I have to play comp if I want a "decent" 3v3 experience. My summary of this is rift should be taken out of comp for good and given it's own game mode icon, and shouldn't be pushed onto players that play pvp. elimination should be back and not locked behind trials so people can just hop into a unranked 3v3 game and have a blast without the 6 other people on the enemy team in clash coming to ruin your day.
hopefully this get heard by someone. thanks for reading, comment something ill read it.
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