Bungie, can you please make a news-board in the character selection like real MMORPGs?
An actual "news" menu section or display on the login screen would REALLY help with upcoming maintenance and downtimes.
[url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/871870835771238411/DBDC92EA009626A9D716217FBE30FFFBDE414E48/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true]Elder Scrolls Online has it[/url] as a news section
[url=https://postimg.cc/94c0WmzJ]World of Warcraft has it[/url] as a news section ingame [url=https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1024812.png]AND their launcher[/url]
Even damn [url=https://i.redd.it/gr0hxhhdjj301.jpg]Warframe has it[/url] and Warframe is probably the closest to Destiny from those 3 examples.
Meanwhile you (Bungie) have to rely on your own website, Twitter, your Destiny companion app and a one-time ingame pop-up (that this time came up 1h before maintenance ingame). What is so hard to make a "New in Destiny" news section with point outs to TWABs, Maintenance and Patch notes? Why do people have to look up stuff [b]outside[/b] the game that is [b]relevant for the game[/b]?
People like me don't use Twitter most of the time. My twitter account is lucky to get looked at even once per month. I don't use the companion app anymore. And your Bungie.net mainpage does a horrible job at telegraphing us players when the next maintenance will be on first glance outside of the maintenance day. We have to either wait for the pop-up bar on maintenance day or check the last TWAB for the info.
I don't get it why a news section is not a thing in this game yet. It doesn't hurt your minimalistic login screen UI in any way and only helps the players to better understand what is going on. Even a simple orange text box below the character selection with a rough timer like [url=https://imgur.com/a/wDK22j3]"XY hours, YZ minutes til maintenance"[/url] would be enough for most as indicator 2 days before maintenance.
Just saying.
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