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Destiny 2

Hablemos de Destiny 2.
Editado por The Legend Himself: GONZO: 5/24/2024 2:23:12 AM

Why do you hate Warlocks, Bungie? (Not what you think.)

I’m not mad about the Well nerf. Honestly, I’m tired of being pigeonholed into using it since it’s the only remotely viable super we have. You CLEARLY either hate Warlocks or don’t actually play them. This should be plainly obvious but, for some reason, it is not: Solar: (Daybreak) This super might look like it does good damage on paper but in practice, it’s a pile of hot garbage! Why? Because unlike a Celestial Nighthawk Hunter or a Pyrogale Gauntlets Titan, Warlocks have no way to pump out comparable damage with Daybreak because while we’re floating in the air firing our slow moving projectiles, our Hunter and Titan brothers and sisters have already fired their supers, matched or exceeded the total damage we’ll eventually get to, and moved onto weapon DPS. Arc: (Chaos Reach) Similar to daybreak, we are required to float in the air, firing our super for an extended period of time whereas a Hunter has attached his staff to the boss and has moved on to weapon DPS. Titans suffer a worse fate because Thundercrash seems to have a “reverse magnetic polarity” effect on bosses, which heavily negates the utility of Cuirass of the Falling Star. However, I’ll leave this complaint to Titan mains. Void: (Nova Bomb) Both Cataclysm and Vortex do pathetic damage compared to any Hunter “one-and-done” super and we lack any exotic that can boost its damage and the insignificant changes that you’ve proposed will do NOTHING to move the needle. Also, similar to Broodweaver, Cataclysm seems to have an annoying preference towards minors/majors. Warlocks NEED an exotic that turns Nova Bomb into a powerful one-and-done boss killer! Strand: (Broodweaver) The projectiles fired from this super (our second and last “one-and-done” super) cannot be relied upon for any kind of burst damage because the woven needles appear to not only have a mind of their own but a HEAVY bias towards minor & major enemies around a boss, even with the most perfect aim. Even when they miraculously all connect on a boss, the total damage does not begin to compete with a Celestial Nighthawk Golden Gun or Arc Staff. Stasis: (Shadebinder) Have y’all EVER used this super in game!? Like, actually used it to play literally ANY remotely difficult activity? This has got to be one of the worst supers ever created! What’s the problem, you ask? The reliance on the shatter damage by the shockwave oftentimes misses because targets that are initially frozen by your Stasis shards are easily knocked out of their frozen state by other players and/or the environment, leaving the pulse to just do a pathetic knock back effect with minimal damage. This happens WAY MORE than you might realize. This is especially noticeable when using Ballidorse Wrathweavers. Conclusion: I’ve drawn a lot of comparisons between Warlocks and Hunters but let me make one thing perfectly clear. In no way do I want Hunters to be nerfed into the pathetic state that Warlocks are in. I love my Hunter and easily have the best time with it because every last one of its kits is amazing and makes you feel truly powerful or magical (some more than others, of course). What I’m asking is for Warlocks to have an opportunity to be just as effective offensively. Notice that I’ve said nothing of roaming supers since most are terrible on every character but that’s a whole other discussion. Warlocks deserve to have a meta damage-dealing super. At least one! Now that WoR is getting curbed stomped (again, not mad about it), Warlocks will find themselves as nothing more than a pathetic healer with no power fantasy. Stop hating on Warlocks and allow them to actually be useful offensive weapons with a fun power fantasy. Edit: Added suggestions as a spoiler for anyone interested. [spoiler]I’ve realized that while my complaints are valid, I have failed to make any suggestions. I want to correct that on the off-chance that someone at Bungie sees this but I’m hiding it as a “spoiler” since I can’t reasonably expect anyone to take the time to read my already too long post in its entirety. (Daybreak) Contrary to what you might think based on what I said earlier, I do not think that Daybreak needs to be a burst DPS powerhouse. It’s more-or-less fine as is, though I do think Dawn Chorus should get back its super extending properties. (Chaos Reach) Similar to Daybreak, I think it’s fine as is. (Nova Bomb) It lacks burst DPS and it’s extremely unreliable. Let’s fix this. First, make Cataclysm unbreakable until it reaches its target or collides with a structure BUT allow the caster to detonate it on command by activating their super again (similarly to a “super cancel” animation). Second, make Cataclysm have a strong bias towards Boss enemies, instead of its current bias towards minors/majors. Third, rework an exotic or create a new one that allows Vortex to create a powerful and continuous pull that sucks combatants to its center, like a miniature black whole, that also weaken targets sucked in (for faster kills). At least one of these supers should have burst DPS values that rival a Celestial Nighthawk Hunter or Pyrogale Gauntlets Titan. (Broodweaver) Simply put, allow the needles to go where aimed. I’ve perfectly aimed at a boss numerous times only to see my needles go all over the place. I’m not suggesting that they get a massive damage buff. Just let the player chose whether or not he wants to damage a boss (with his whole super) or fire it at a crowd for add control. (Shadebinder) I like that the pulse detonates crystals and shatters enemies BUT the pulse’s damage needs a massive damage buff. It should not [i]rely[/i] on shatter to do damage. Let the damage of the pulse stand on its own. This would help Ballidorse Wrathweavers since, as it stands, is completely unreliable and inconsistent (for the reasons I mentioned earlier).[/spoiler]

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  • This coming update is the same as every other one they put out: Nerf Titan, Hunter will remain top dog. Was there a third class? nah who cares, post it. For once I'd like to see Warlock on top of trials report, or Titan with the highest damage super. Bungie seems determined to leave that for Hunter. Well of Radiance will remain just good enough we will still be forced to run it. It's the same story with Starfire. We are forced to use well, but at least we can put out some DPS with Starfire. NOOOOOO can't have that. Use well, do pathetic damage and like it. Really Bungie?

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