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Destiny 2

Hablemos de Destiny 2.
Editado por TuxyDoh: 7/26/2024 11:13:47 AM

The lack of actual fun in this game is appalling

Every thing you want to solo is just to darn hard I’m Tired of trying. To solo flawless dungeons just to die randomly to BS. So tired of trying to complete enigma protocol solo and running out of time at the boss no matter how fast I try go no matter if I get all nodes and timekeepers it still is t long enough to get that last bit of giga health off the boss. Tired of not being able to complete seals without someone’s help especially dungeon ones the void arc and solo fireteam ones need to go god dam ! So I’m hanging up my Destiny boots can’t even get a gist of this final raid it’s too complex for an older gamer which means I’m excluded from doing it and that I just won’t accept Good bye from a veteran who was with Bungie day 1 and -blam!- invests in donations to your causes but I’m done just can’t have any fun anymore [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • The game was never meant to be fun. It was meant to be addicting with a carrot to chase on s tick to get you to come back and make microtransaction purchases.

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    13 Respuestas
    • At least you're quitting. SO tired of losers having this take and continuing to dump hours into a game they apparently have no fun in.

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    • Editado por Yosemite Sam: 7/27/2024 3:45:54 PM
      [quote]The lack of actual fun in this game is appalling[/quote] That's because games were always meant to be stressful, and content should always be designed around content creators/streamers. At least that is what this developer and their minions that are all over this forum are trying to push off. I don't give a -blam!- about your game history as a lot of these immature people do on this forum whether you continue to play or not. It's expected when people say they are done with the game that they end up playing anyway out of habit, and I take posts like this as someone just venting. This post shows how frustrated you are because of the unnecessary changes to the game, but what's funny is how all the immature people only focused on the part of what you said about being done with the game. Never mind how many unnecessary changes were added to the game, and how this developer spent a lot of their time looking for ways to screw over the gamer. Games were meant to be challenging, but when a developer spams the crap out of the same mechanics for yours and thinks increasing the difficulty was a "solution". Sorry, not sorry, that isn't fun or challenging, that is pure lazy boring work.

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    • Moderator edits tags to try and bury it because OP said nothing that the thread could be locked for! I agree with the OP. GL to you man!

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    • Hi Bungie. Two of your Devs in the video promotion before FS said that if gameplay wasn't up to scratch, they Effed Up. True. They effed up. No balance, no story, still a Season - no difference from the past, no fun, PvP is ROOTED TO THE CORE WITH CHEATERS, Lag in game and all around etc etc etc. FAIL.

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    • Like any piece of media, this game offers entertainment and you get out of it, what you put in. The aspect unfortunately does not offer all content to everyone, even tho you are required to pay for it all for the most part. It’s that fact that gets players upset, a sense of being ripped off because some content is locked behind certain aspects of play. Thus you are robbed of the full experience, that’s what does not sit well with players and is a major complaint.

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    • Editado por Mark, Scholar of Stars: 7/27/2024 7:06:41 PM
      If I think about Destiny 2 - I think about its leadership. They showed who they are. This was the last DLC, or anything else, I bought from Bungie. They showed what they could do with the content they sold before. Everybody who made it this far with the game, and it's endless ups and downs, deserves a medal. I'm proud that I continued, this takes stamina, but I'm done after The Final Shape. Bungie will be exactly remembered for what they did with their minimal principle.

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      • 19
        The franchise used to be a polished triple A product under Activision, now its a cash grab gacha f2p game that milks loyal players to fill the higher ups pockets. With zero interest in players satisfaction.

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        12 Respuestas
        • This is the least I’ve played this game in a long while. Echoes is laughable bad and not engaging whatsoever and the final shape was short. Pathfinder pisses me off the most though, I used to be able to do one strike at a high level for a Pinnicle now I have to -blam!- around like some 1st term apprentice to the Cryptarch. I want to gild conq again but I dunno if I can take it anymore. P.S. I would rather wait in the tower and stare at the sky for an hour like when Rasputin blew up the Leviathan than collect rocks on Nessus.

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          • 100% agree. Day 1 Vet here as well.

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          • Fun fact: if soloing content is not fun for you, you can in fact do them with other people instead!

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          • Editado por WhiteGoodman: 7/28/2024 6:54:46 AM
            Fun is subjective. I'm having a blast, have been since I first got my hands on the game. Easily top 3 favourite games of all time

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            • Editado por whateverman7: 7/26/2024 6:40:43 PM
              Thanks for sharing. I'm curious though: you say you're a day 1 vet, what did you do solo in d1? Asking because soloing in d1 was harder than it is in d2.

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              • I don’t know if it’s a lack of fun. The game is absolutely top notch when it comes to fun. The problem is the fact that to get anything good, you need to spend endless hours grinding for a CHANCE at exotics, godrolls, and other rewards. I’d change my argument that the game does not feel rewarding enough to continue to sink time into it. Plus some avenues to earn rewards are the same activity I’ve done for almost 10 years. Even though it’s fun, it’s not very rewarding.

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                • Coming back after leaving just before which queen to see them make getting new exotic armor such a slow process that it’s blatantly unfair to new/returning players. Releasing a subclass that eclipses the others so hard it kills build crafting. Titans being in the dumpster, hunter being the best class in all game modes. I agree

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                • Just to the title... The game is no different than it was before FS. That's my takeaway. Complete campaign, Strikes, Gambit, Crucible... blah blah blah. It's as over as it's ever been for vets.

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                  • Editado por A_mo: 7/28/2024 3:48:47 AM
                    Speaking of actual fun, during my most previous banishment I came across a post by old people. Like where everyone was older than me. So like I will add some years and say a lot of them were 60 plus. If you're below 55-60 you shouldn't be complaining because videogames with sticks have been out since the 2000s. But anyways, the gist of that post was that they were no longer having fun. Its very hard to tell why that is, but it might be a mistake to say the tendency towards "self reported fun" for the "majority" doesn't have something to do with it. I would probably assume that our elders are more of a straight up bunch, and over time this game has become less and less straight up and more and more curled and knurled in on itself with all kinds of "fresh" new ideas about how to engage with the game that only the young will pick up on quickly mostly because they have not much else to do to distinguish themselves in a world where everyone is on the internet being avatars. That might not be the case but as far as I know its never really hurt to at least pay elders some form of attention when they weeze... erm... speak.

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                  • Hide your game history op. You’re like a crack addict who doesn’t even enjoy the crack.

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                    • Still baffles me as to why people announce their retirement like this is the NFL or something. If you do not enjoy the game anymore then do you boo boo.

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                      9 Respuestas
                      • Getting shotgunned through my barricade way more often 📉📉📉📉

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                      • The developers get mad if you solo raids or anything designed for multiplay. They keep ramping up difficulty by adding timers and side show mechanics. Look at the new GM adding run the ball nonsense. And more and more ads. They always kill good content by adding something lame. I really like the new GM until the final room ,then its not fun its just annoying . it would of been much better and more fun in the final room if they dumped the mechanics and all the ads and just had the tormentor take more damage and chase your team around running for your life taking a shot at him when you can. The room needs to be bigger it's to dense and small. it's just a meat grinder game play as it is. another example is ghost of the deep a great dungeon ruined by the final room its amazing to me how they can make such good content then completely ruin it.

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                      • Edited 10 hours ago. Last played… 8 hours ago… You guys are pathetic 😂

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                        5 Respuestas
                        • Good bye... And welcome back! We're all addicts. There's no leaving the Hotel California.

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                          • What baffles me is how incompetent these developers are after 10 years.

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                            • After running the new lamality gm many times. it's not anything worth farming or running more then a couple times . It's sad that bungie can only add more ads to the game instead of making strikes fun and farmable . On a good note l won't have to run anymore of there overturned battlegrounds gm"s. cause this game won't be worth anything after act 3. But bungie knows this and planned for it. marathon will take the show.

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                            • Editado por powerfist114: 7/27/2024 6:13:17 PM
                              Call me when episode 3 is up

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