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Destiny 2

Hablemos de Destiny 2.
Editado por IronSpagheto: 8/15/2024 12:39:21 AM

Some gameplay/graphics settings I think are a good idea

[i][u]Graphics:[/u][/i] Bloom/emissives slider Lens flare slider (I'd turn this all the way to D1 mode😆) VFX slider (how bright/large should VFX be) Fog options Screen shake options/slider Contrast options/slider (THIS IS NOT BRIGHTNESS!!) Reflections options Higher FoV options Landing impact effect (the screen movement after hitting the ground hard, proven to be purely visual but very offputting and a little sickening) Menu dark mode/light mode options (I prefer the cream and marble of the pre-BL menus☹️) [i][u]Gameplay:[/u][/i] Viewmodel sliders Damage number and health bar options (disabling the entire HUD is a little aggressive) All Teams chat Gun latching option/mod (reverse of the full-auto option/mod) Third person mode for PvE? (it would be kinda fun I think)

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