I am almost positive I had purchased the Astral Stasis Drake Hunter Bundle on the date indicated above, but today after Heresy launched, which included a mention of ornaments in the patch notes when it released, I saw it was not my Collections. I checked my Purchase History, and noticed it listed the Pruina Luster Hunter Bundle, which was indeed showing as purchased in my Collections as well.
Trying to figure out if this was a genuine error on my end somehow or if something changed in the background since the purchase was made.
Hi there, Thank you for your report. Please reach out to us via the following contact [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497351-Contact-Form-Missing-Eververse-Item-or-Add-On-Items?_ga=2.153276920.1777126809.1731945645-1420294048.1731346808]form[/url]. We will then investigate what's happened with your purchased content.