Ok. So I did a dumb. I got a PS3 beta code for Destiny (woohoo!) and linked in with my PS3 acct.
Then I realize, heck I have a Bungie xbox acct too. I cannot unlink the ps3 one to link in my xbox one. Am I missing something here? Bungie IT guys wanna msg me some kinda reset or unlink of the PS3 one (since I've been on the xbox one 2yrs..)
Thanks for any tips or suggestions that work. (yes, I cannot link the PS3 one as it says I am actively logged in. But I am not logged into my PS3 or the one here. And if I log out of one to unlink.. um... how?) Does it matter? Will I lose my beta code input if I do link unlink link relink... oh the humanity...
If you'd like to link your PSN account to your Xbox account, you can follow the below steps. 1.) Create a Dummy Email, Like Gmail. 2.) Link that Dummy Email to your PSN account. 3.) Unlink your PSN account from your now Dummy account. 4.) Link your PSN account to your Xbox account and Profit!!! If you have any trouble or do not understand the above steps, please let me know. I would be happy to help anyway I can. [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungienet-Information-Desk/en-us/Groups/Post?id=59830012&groupId=18405] Bungie.net Information Desk[/url] |[url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungienet-Community-FAQ---22013/en-us/Groups/Post?id=59855003&groupId=18405]Bungie.net FAQ[/url]|