So, I've had a Microsoft account for quite some time for Halo and all that jazz. However, I recently got a PS4, and I made a PSN account. While signing up for the Beta for Destiny, I made an entirely new Bungie account for my PS4. I would like to go about linking the two, but every time that I try to unlink one to link it to the other, it will not let me. It brings up an error message somewhere along the lines of "You cannot unlink an account that you are curretnly signed in to." Am I missing something? How would I be able to unlink an account if I'm not even signed into it?
Editado por Hylebos: 5/27/2014 4:36:57 PMHey ACEassination, I highly suggest reading this [url=]guide[/url] about account linking and unlinking before proceeding. Effectively, you'll end up linking a dummy account to the account you'd like to unlink from which gets around the "You cannot unlink and account that you are currently signed into" thing. Keep in mind that Beta codes are attached to profiles and not their login methods before choosing how you want to migrate your accounts. Let me know if you have any questions :) [url=] Information Desk[/url] | [url=] FAQ[/url] | [url=]Destiny Beta FAQ[/url]