Hey I know this is really hard and it's even harder to get somebody to help you. Use this to find players on xbox360 to help defeat Xyor the Unwed, in the Exotic Weapon Bounty for Thorn
Need help with Xyor. If any one wants to join with or without bounty, GT: dark dragon495. Thanks
Need help with xyor xbox360 GT: FitLopez4
If you looking still hit me up again I'll go once more
Need players for xyor mission. Lvl 31 hunter on 360
Still looking for help
Editado por ZerΩ: 3/20/2015 6:47:37 PMlv 31 Titan, need assistance with beating Xyor, any takers just post your GT here and i'll send an invite, or send a message to me on Xbox live GT: ZeroX908.
I need help killing xyor lvl 29 need people GT-ollmoll11 Xbox 360
Crota normal cp NEED ONE Must be 31+ with mucho experience Must have powerful weapons I am a level 32 warlock Xbox 360 Gamertag: Blame Frolf
Editado por Helliouse: 3/18/2015 4:47:04 PMLooking to help anyone on this. GT same as name. Please message me with a date and time, please include time zone. Also include how many are in your party. This run is faster with three. I am MST (-7 GMT). I start around 8-8:30pm
Invite me gamer tag is believe bigfoot
[quote]Hey I know this is really hard and it's even harder to get somebody to help you. Use this to find players on xbox360 to help defeat Xyor the Unwed, in the Exotic Weapon Bounty for Thorn[/quote] Just messaged you
Hey I need some help meetdeath666 Xbox 360
Need help with killing xyor ( msg me for inv )
Currently soloing the trike i'm at the final stage. message for invite.gt SyNDe3
Looking for help to kill xyor I'm on Xbox 360 Gy:RushamezaXxRAR4
Looking for help on 360 I'm level 30 same gt as above
Yeah I'm looking for 2 people to do xyor 360. I'm lvl 29 Titan Gt: unt0thebreach
Xbox one thorn bounty need help on last part
Hey! After slaving in the Crucible and finally getting those 500 points (thank you Truth!) I need 2 more people to go kill Xyor the Unwed. So if anyone else needs to go do it lets do it together :) My gamer tag is Imoxator. See ya IG!
Add me Xbox 360 gt is: CRUSADER ZORRO
Im at Xyor, the last part, with phogoth. I CANNOT DO IT. I have solar and arc, but its literally so god darn hard on my own. If someone could literally pop in, help for 5-10 minutes as a good Samaritan, I would return the favour with the nightfall or weekly? Pls :C, Xbox 360 only! GT is BsQ EvOLuTiioN (Ill only need people for the time, if its a couple of days after i wont need help, chances are)
Xbox One lvl 30 Hunter need help killing Xyor. Message KUSOVIA114 for invite!
Xyor message by scarzzzz
360 level 27 lfg foor xyor gt is xxi soul ixx
xbox one need to kill xyor lvl 29 hunter gt AceDeathFace
Level 29 hunter at phogoth need help summoning and killing xyor GT: ElectroPig12