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Malevolent Scar

Malevolent Scar [SCAR]

"May the Darkness guide you by the Light inside of you, Guardians. Leave. None. Standing."

Welcome to Malevolent Scar. You're either for us, against us, or a hired gun, make yourself comfortable.

We are a competitive clan who specialize in PvP, but also have very strong leadership roots in PvE. There will be dedicated divisions (as you see in your application) that we assign each person to as they enter, based on what they're good with and what they play most: PvE, PvP, or PvE/PvP.

Your administration are Swift Smoke/Mythic Fluid and xDXSwantanx/DXSwanton. We're here together, as Legends, lets forge a new Destiny as a team. Lets take back our galaxy.

Also, Fluid streams! So give him a follow if you like.

Social media and website (possibly) coming soon.

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    La solicitud requiere aprobación.
  • 1 miembro

  • Creado el June 30, 2016

Progreso de temporada

Los clanes desbloquean ventajas de personaje y recompensas cuando un clan sube de nivel. Cuanto más activo sea el clan, mayor será su nivel.

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