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Hablemos de Destiny.
2/18/2015 11:12:23 PM

my honest feed back.

I've been playing this game for over 14 days (across 3 toons) That in no means mean I'm 100% correct. This is just what I noticed in my time playing. Lets start with guns. GUNS. Guns are a very important part of this game. But yet it seems to be broken. Very poorly planned. Guns should not be balanced. Obviously some guns will preform better than others. Bungie, your balancing system is seriously out of date. And should be corrected if you want people to play your game for 9 years+. Your game is in its baby phase. Right now, you should be working out kinks. The problem with guns, they are all over the place. The devs should have a very basic system. Autorifles close range. Pusle rifles mid-close to challenge Autorifles. Hand cannons close-mid. Scout rifles long-mid. I'm going to go into each gun class separately. Autorifles: Close range. The only exception to this would be the suros regime. to give it its exotic feel. BUT it should not go further than mid range. Problem with this gun, is hands down. its not dominating close range as it should. It should make people with shotguns and fusion rifles panic. There should be no reason someone with a shotgun can run up on someone already shooting you with an assault rifle. And still get that one hit ko. Scout rifles: They should feel like snipers. If you get a headshot with a scout rifle. your foe should be almost already dead. Not 3-4 headshots. You said it yourself. it should be the little brother of sniper rifles. Right now its preforming as the little retarded blacksheep we keep in the basement because we are too embarrassed to bring it out. (no offense to those who actually use the gun. We know its okays. But it could be better and preform better) pulse rifles: Seriously underpowered. underclassed. Often not used. pulse rifles should be close to mid range, to challenge autorifles. Plus rifles should also challenge scout rifles in mid range. All pulse rifles should have a base set of impact. (not nearly as much as handcannons, but more than autorifles and scout rifles.) handcannons: these are the only set of guns, that are working correctly. They excel in close range, can make someone panic in midrange. To be honest. Handcannons to me is the most balanced gun of the game. I also feel. Every exotic should have an elemental type damage. It gives us more of a taste of how exotic works. Like for example. hardlight should be arc, and thorn should be fire. Gear: yes gear. Gearing in this game is a grind. But in no way is that a problem. HOW EVER. only a few slight changes i would make. VENDORS: i would make it so vendors changes gear at least once a week. So we can find the certain arc type weapon we are missing. Because having the same thing all the time, means we arent really spending our marks. and once we cap out everything with nothing really to spend it on, whats going to keep us from grinding? just do the nightfalls, raid and done for the week? thats playing one day of the game. Iron banner/queens bounty: yes this idea is great. Have people pvp for raidgear. BUT WITH THAT BEING SAID Iron banner only gives gloves and boots. Have queens bounty come back. Make it different. Have it also give raid gear, pretty much the same way (kill a boss etc for rep/marks) BUT MAKE IT DIFFERENT AND CHALLENGING. You want replay value. That is what keeps players coming back. Instead or running the same thing over and over again. Change it up. For example. Have it where one of queens bounty is solo a strike. Its challenging. Its different. And it forces people to get good. (which im sure players with approve). THe failure with queens bounty before was because of the nerf you did. Every player was GTG on gear. so we did it for the shards, and then you nerfed it with out buffing the other thing you said you were going to buff. (which was cryptarch at the time) CAUSE AND EFFECT. that is what came into play. Bring back queens bounty. Make it less grindy, but still grindy. Have it become challenging. IE: Solo a mission with out dying. Give different things. your rng system isnt working right, if we run into the same thing countless times. Then it becomes a chore. There is so many different things you could of done with queens bounty. And you can still fix it. But iron banner all the time...for the same two items. Is no. Raid should be challenging and gives good rewards yes. But for the people who dont have time for raids, or dont really like playing with other people. Give them an option to gear up too. I mean honestly, it feels like you guys love catering to pvp more than pve. Give us some queens bounty love. HAVE PVP PRIVATE MATCHES/DUELS: tbh, people want to prove they are better than their friends. Why not have them duel. OR EVEN HAVE A 1v1 MATCH THING. The only way we can prove we are better now is comparing scores.. thats like " junk is bigger than yours.So im better." Nightfall: okay seriously. This is just terrible. You want us to do your hardest content next to raids. For a possible drop of strange coins/shards/energies? Lolwhat? There is nothing more frustrating, than doing a nightfall solo/with no burns, just to get coins... 11 strange coins. that you can get in the weekly. At least make it an absurd amonth. like idk. 30-40 strange coins? It makes it more worth it. As i said: you want to keep us playing. not get us frustrated and not wanting to do things. You really, need to fix this issue. Motes of light: The most worthless thing in the game..That you made. Everything cost strange coins. Only ugly looking class items/backgrounds that nobody buys or uses. And the off chance xur has the engram, which only seems to be chest gloves or helm. (not even the weapon....) You guys have to find more uses for motes of light. Hands down. Here is a few suggestions: Exchange system. 10 motes for 1 strange coin. 10 motes for 20 mats 20 motes of light for 10 rep. The possibilities for motes of light is endless. people leaving fireteams: TBH i get it. Why you want to leave if you die while trying to do the bounty. Or the ps4 exclusive undying mind/will of crota. But i think they should implement a leaving penalty. Or increase the gains for certain strikes. undying mind itself..its a headache. All those Minotaurs that are majors... its annoying. I get it. But for the people who just leave the fireteam high and dry. They should be penalized for it. That is for you guys at bungie to come up with. And i'm sure players will disagree with it so hardcore. But it needs to be done. How you fix things: Oh boy. This is a big one. You guys take forever....trying to fix things. From the atheon cheese, to the croata cheese. To templars. You guys need to get on that asap. If you see people posting about the cheese. Fix it as soon as possible. Hire another team, to focus on that, or get a bigger team so you can get stuff done faster. I mean come on. Activision and blizzard owns the best MMO wow. The reason why people stayed is because the community service is the greatest. when people post about things. They look into asap, and fix it. You guys do take a long time to fix things, that should be fixed asap. TBH, its like someone on these forums once said. "if it helps a players: nerf. If it hinders players: leave it be." That is no way to run the game. If you guys got on top of things asap. The game would be a lot more smooth. Like i get it. Heavy ammo bugs. That is not a major concern. How ever, many issues players points out, is a big concern. You need to keep your player base happy, WITH OUT catering to one group or another. You also, need to set dead lines. Keep us informed. Prioritize issues. Right now, your biggest issue is guns. A lot of complaints are about guns. You should be working on that. Differentiate between the QQ i suck against this gun. To detailed posts about why the gun is bad. If more than 100 people complains about a weapon. Obviously there is something wrong with it. You should look into that. Sorry for the long thread. But i felt i needed to say it. There is more i'm not addressing. but the thread has gotten long enough as it is. If anyone has anything else to add. Comment below. Part 2 will come soon.

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