Tower bug found. Got this item from bounty tracker
Vanguard Mentor Missive
Turn in this Missive to Xander 99-40.
Got it from Xander 99-40 and it now says to return it to him???? He has a green Icon over his head but when I go to him nothing is there to return or get rid of the green icon over his head. Also the green icon shows in the destination map to return to the tower. Upon returning the icon is once again over his head but you can do nothing to get rid of this.
The same happened to my titan a while back, it went away after I turned in a bounty
Editado por MinistrOfJustiz: 3/23/2015 3:24:37 PMI think you can only have three active exotic bounties at a time. The fourth remains a missive until you have space for it. When that happened to me, though, the one I finished was the exact same one I got from the missive, so it may be a duplicate bounty thing instead of a 3-bounty cap. Edit: stupid auto correct