-Before I begin, I want to give a quick shoutout to the guy who makes weapon designs for the raids I create. His name is BRO WarFare and he is currently away dealing with a brain tumor. Get well soon buddy-
[b][i][u]LINK TO OTHER RAIDS[/u][/i][/b]:
[b][i][u]MISSION[/u][/i][/b]: Enter the portal which the Oversoul spawns from, then destroy it's source...
[b][i][u]RAID PT. I[/u][/i][/b]: You and 5 other guardians spawn in the building where Crota's crystal was. The area, towers and all, is abandoned. 6 of you step on a Hove sigil where Crota once stood, and a bridge begins to form, leading into the Oversoul. The 6 hop on their sparrows and drive across the bridge. An infinite amount of Wizards will continue to spawn on both sides of the bridge, and your sparrow has to be fast enough to avoid the crossfire. Once you reach a certain distance (and if any of you are still alive) your sparrow will abandon you and your guardians vision will begin to warp. If you continue walking forward, you and your fireteam will be teleported into a VERY dark area...
[b][i][u]RAID PT. II[/u][/i][/b]: The 6 guardians are in special Hive catacombs. No longer on the Moon, they are now stuck on a Hive-infested planet, with the only way out being found somewhere in the pitch black catacombs. Small green Hive lanterns illuminate mounds of bones from previous explorers, but you must push on through the dark. Small swarms of Thrall are here as well as a few Ogres. Some parts of the catacombs make you feel as if you're travelling in a circle, some actually are taking you in a circle. After a while, the fireteam will want to split up. When someone finds the exit, he/she will have to use communication skills to guide the other guardians through the winding tunnels.
[b][i][u]RAID PT III.[/u][/i][/b]: Once you all escape, you come across a bridge overlooking an infinite black abyss, devoid of all light. Once all guardians get off this bridge, it disappears, and another Hive sigil activates in the middle of 5 towers. One guardian must stand INSIDE the sigil at all times, while the other 5 go into the 5 towers. Inside each tower is a high-level Wizard (Not as difficult as Omnigul, think more like Ir-Yut). The guardians must eliminate each Wizard, and for every one they defeat, they obtain a drop called "Dark Shard". Once all 5 Wizards are vanquished, they take each shard down to the center sigil where they left the one guardian standing. Once there, he shards are removed from your inventory, and used to summon the boss. The guardian now should step off the sigil.
[b][i][u]RAID PT. IV[/u][/i][/b]: The combined shards make a Dark Piece of The Traveler. Much like the one in the ORIGINAL Moon mission, but not guarded by Wizards. The Piece has no main attack, but applies a debuff to only one player at a time. The debuff is called "Shard Sickness" and it causes the targets screen to slowly turn black. The guardian which becomes infected must journey back up to one of the towers where a cleansing sigil will be on the floor of the top level of the tower. While inside this sigil, your character is permitted to damage the Dark Piece of The Traveler. If you are not successful in getting to the tower in time, the character will die, and the player will have to watch their Titan/Hunter/Warlock become a vessel of darkness. For the person who dies their view will be cast out into spectator and watch as The Piece shoots 3 spiraling darkness tendrils (Black Garden much) into your charcter, bringing him back to life and trying to wipe out the rest of the fireteam. Your fireteam must kill your possessed character, then revive you in time for another one to become infected. To kill the Piece, stand in one of the cleansing sigils and fire away. The Piece cannot infect you if you are in the sigil, and it will infect another player, with another sigil to be activated elsewhere. Once the Piece takes enough damage, the darkness peels off of it, and you have successfully destroyed the source of the Oversoul, converting it BACK into a Piece of The Traveler... Mission over.
[b][i][u]RAID ARMOR[/u][/i][/b]:
-Titans: spiky, calcified steel armor
-Hunters: pulsating, darkened bone armor
-Warlocks: light grey shimmering bone armor
[b][i][u]RAID WEAPONS[/u][/i][/b]:
-Legendary Hancannon: Oversource (Void)
-Exotic Pulse Rifle: Hivemind Heartbeat (Arc)
-Legendary Pulse Rifle: Shadowspear (Solar)
-Legendary Auto Rifle: Unholy Sanction (Solar)
-Legendary Scout Rifle: Ravine Pulse (Void)
-Legendary Sniper Rifle: Sunbeam (Solar)
-Legendary Shotgun: Darkforce (Void)
-Legendary Fusion Rifle: Shard Venom (Arc)
-Legendary Rocket Launcher: Piecebraker (Arc)
-Legendary Machine Gun: Bleak Worship (Void)
[b][i][u]RAID SPARROWS[/u][/i][/b]:
-Abysmal Light: Black color, has a neon green contrail, and can do tricks (EV-30 style)
-Shadowprowl: Light grey sparrow, white contrail, any ramming damage done is an instakill
[b][i][u]RAID SHIP[/u][/i][/b]:
-Eternity Infinite: White ship, has blue engines, and can occasionally spark electricity
[b][i][u]RAID SHADERS[/u][/i][/b]:
-Purity: Solid white, can glow
-Smokescreen: Solid black, leaves a trail of smoke
[b][i][u]CHEST LOCATIONS[/u][/i][/b]:
-One in the right tower near spawn
-Two in the catacombs
-Two behind random towers in the boss occurrence
Edit 1: Added Legendary Pulse Rifle
Edit 2: Not a lot of hate, but some are dissatisfied
Edit 3: Scratch edit 2, people love this
Edit 4: Fallen Raid incoming, just hold your horses
[spoiler]Get well soon @Bro WarFare[/spoiler]
I really like this one
Good luck to bro warfare! Thoughts from aus
Not creative. Modified CE
Too short. It sounds much more like a strike then a raid. Just a fancy new mechanic added. Maybe a 6 person story mission. Not a raid.
Sounds cool id rather have a vog part two though lol. And idea I had is when traveling through the abyss area you can pick up these orbs off the dead bones called infusion of resistance or something and later on when you get hit by the shard you could climb the tower or just use one of those but there very hard to find like not even on the path or something,
Don't like it. Putting you in the Croats end area, even if it's just a few seconds is bad, because it will feel like the other half of CE that we didn't get. The second encounter will feel like the abyss in CE, dark with lamps. The last encounter would be way too easy, if it's just about DPS. Sure you need to cleanse, but 6 g horns would drop his health. And if they didn't then people not spamming g horns would have it way too hard. It would be like a strike boss with cleansing. Atheon and Crota both have some DPS, but it's not the whole fight. I do like the idea of going into the oversoul, but to me it kinda seems like that would be CE part 2/2 as I said earlier. So I kinda like the idea.
[b]"Hivemind Heartbeat"[/b] Yup.
Editado por ryanhatfield: 4/13/2015 4:29:56 PMI won't get into opinions on all the specifics here... But will give you props for the idea of future raids continuing where others left off. I love Vault of Glass, I'm hoping instead of a harder hard mode we return at some point to the actual vault and then continue on past the point we down Atheon. Expanding a raid is preferable to just upping the difficulty.
Why would you wan't another raid with hive and multiple bridges? The bridges have been done already as well as hive raid.
So much yes.
Has he been tanning in the sun or the tanning salon to be so darkened?
Bump but maybe it could be a fallen raid somehow like they invaded the first part where you spawn. All and all very well composed. BUMP
Editado por NoniSyn10: 3/26/2015 12:47:43 PMHope your friend BRO warfare gets better
Love the part where the Guardian gets taken over
Bump FTW!
Comment for later?
Just a little side note, the only part of crota raid that occurs on the moon is the abyss (pillars of light) as soon as you cross the bridge into the tunnel you actually get teleported to a different realm.
Yet again! Another fantastic raid from Toland!
Awesome! Interesting idea.
Where are the bosses? There should be a massive end boss like Oryx or something.
Editado por Vendicta: 3/26/2015 1:39:30 AMPlease stop with these, we all seen all the raids that are coming out for 2015 already EDIT: didn't know it was for fun, carry on.