publicado originalmente en:Psykana Librarius
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I got my hair trimmed today, and as I sat there having my hair styled by a Taylor Swift stunt double, I realized I was already subconsciously thinking about tipping her $15 instead of the usual $10. (haircut itself is simple, only $14.95)
So I acted on my feelings and gave her $5 more than I normally would, the haircut was no better or worse than any other I had gotten at the place.
I mean, I don't think I did anything evil, but I want to hear what you lot think. Currently I know I would do it again.
As long as you're not like those awkward middle aged white guys at Twin Peaks or similar establishments who tips extra as an attempt to get into their pants or make them feel like they owe them company or something, then there is nothing wrong with it. You're just tipping extra to someone who's aesthetically pleasing to you. Nobody is hurt in this process. Everyone wins.