[quote] [b]Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York and author of "The Future of the Mind:"[/b]
"In the next 10 years, we will see the gradual transition from an Internet to a brain-net, in which thoughts, emotions, feelings, and memories might be transmitted instantly across the planet.
Scientists can now hook the brain to a computer and begin to decode some of our memories and thoughts. This might eventually revolutionize communication and even entertainment. The movies of the future will be able to convey emotions and feelings, not just images on a silver screen. (Teenagers will go crazy on social media, sending memories and sensations from their senior prom, their first date, etc.). Historians and writers will be able to record events not just digitally, but also emotionally as well.
Perhaps even tensions between people will diminish, as people begin to feel and experience the pain of others." [/quote]
[quote] [b]Dr. Ray Kurzweil, inventor, pioneering computer scientist, and director of engineering at Google: [/b]
"By 2025, 3D printers will print clothing at very low cost. There will be many free open source designs, but people will still spend money to download clothing files from the latest hot designer just as people spend money today for eBooks, music and movies despite all of the free material available. 3D printers will print human organs using modified stem cells with the patient's own DNA providing an inexhaustible supply of organs and no rejection issues. We will be also able to repair damaged organs with reprogrammed stem cells, for example a heart damaged from a heart attack. 3D printers will print inexpensive modules to snap together a house or an office building, lego style. [/quote]
[quote] [b]Dr. Anne Lise Kjaer, founder of London-based trend forecasting agency Kjaer Global:[/b]
"The World Health Organization predicts that chronic diseases will account for almost three-quarters of all deaths worldwide by 2020, so the evolution of M-Health (mobile diagnostics, bio-feedback and personal monitoring) is set to revolutionize treatment of conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Apps designed by medical professionals will provide efficient real-time feedback, tackle chronic conditions at a much earlier stage, and help to improve the lifestyles and life outcomes of communities in the developed and developing world.
This improvement to our physical well-being is exciting, but what excites me even more is the parallel development of apps that meet our under-served mental health needs." [/quote]
[quote] [b]Dr. James Canton, CEO of the San Francisco-based Institute for Global Futures and author of "Future Smart: Managing the Game-Changing Trends that will Transform Your World:"[/b]
"Wearable mobile devices will blanket the world. By 2025, there will be a massive Internet of everyone and everything linking every nation, community, company and person to all of the world's knowledge. This will accelerate real-time access to education, health care, jobs, entertainment and commerce Artificial intelligence becomes both as smart as and smarter than humans. AI will be embedded in autos, robots, homes and hospitals will create the AI economy. Humans and robots merge, digitally and physically, to treat patients who may be around the world. Robo-surgeons will operate remotely on patients. RoboDocs will deliver babies and treat you over the cellphone.
Predictive medicine transforms health care. Early diagnosis of disease with medical devices that sniff our breath, and free DNA sequencing that predicts our future health will be common. Personalized genetic medicine will prevent disease, saving lives and billions in lost productivity... The next generation Bitcoin will replace traditional hard money, creating a new paradigm for digital commerce and business that will create a legitimate new economy." [/quote]
Grandpa said my generation relies to much on technology. Then I said no grandpa your generation does and I unplugged his life support
Nothing about male sexual organ enlargement?
[quote]Artificial intelligence becomes both as smart as and smarter than humans. AI will be embedded in autos, robots, homes and hospitals will create the AI economy. Humans and robots merge, digitally and physically, to treat patients who may be around the world. Robo-surgeons will operate remotely on patients. RoboDocs will deliver babies and treat you over the cellphone. [/quote] What ever we do, we cannot give them conscience. You've all seen the movies, intelligent self thinking AI can go downhill real fast and our world's great minds think that they will.
so Basically we're going to be living in a real life Deus Ex: Human Revolution world, since a lot of these ideas, (especially the connected-brain thing) will immediately be opposed strongly by religious groups, and "Purists" who believe that Humans should stay Human. as a result of this divide, there will probably end up being a WW3. literally, this is exactly what happens: Augmentation comes along, it helps people, the morals of for and against arguments show up, riots happen and countries begin to fail. question is: who's gonna take up the role of Adam Jensen?
I'm just hoping our lord and savior Elon Musk has us completely off fossil fuel soon.
[b] it may be a thing soon [/b] [quote] [b]Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York and author of "The Future of the Mind:"[/b] "In the next 10 years, we will see the gradual transition from an Internet to a brain-net, in which thoughts, emotions, feelings, and memories might be transmitted instantly across the planet. Scientists can now hook the brain to a computer and begin to decode some of our memories and thoughts. This might eventually revolutionize communication and even entertainment. The movies of the future will be able to convey emotions and feelings, not just images on a silver screen. (Teenagers will go crazy on social media, sending memories and sensations from their senior prom, their first date, etc.). Historians and writers will be able to record events not just digitally, but also emotionally as well. Perhaps even tensions between people will diminish, as people begin to feel and experience the pain of others." [/quote]
I don't want people to know what's in my brain.
The thing that worries me is if we are able to share media with attached emotions, what would happen if someone feeling suicidal shares something. Would we too feel suicidal? How in control of our emotions, and how others' emotions affect us, would we be?
[quote]Dr. Ray Kurzweil, inventor, pioneering computer scientist, and director of engineering at Google: "By 2025, 3D printers will print clothing at very low cost. There will be many free open source designs, but people will still spend money to download clothing files from the latest hot designer just as people spend money today for eBooks, music and movies despite all of the free material available. 3D printers will print human organs using modified stem cells with the patient's own DNA providing an inexhaustible supply of organs and no rejection issues. We will be also able to repair damaged organs with reprogrammed stem cells, for example a heart damaged from a heart attack. 3D printers will print inexpensive modules to snap together a house or an office building, lego style. [/quote] I think that is one of the coolest things that could happen in the next decade or two. However, [quote]The next generation Bitcoin will replace traditional hard money, creating a new paradigm for digital commerce and business that will create a legitimate new economy." [/quote] That doesn't seem as sound. Unless mathematicians can create encryption methods much more secure than current ones, I think the possibility of people hacking systems and stealing millions or billions of electronic dollars can never be ruled out.
Cool shit, as long as there is no corporate control over it.
Plug me in, baby.
The Flood will materialize. [spoiler]We are legion.[/spoiler]
I like all of them except the first one
I pooped once.
[quote]Perhaps even tensions between people will diminish, as people begin to feel and experience the pain of others." [/quote] That sounds so ideal. Maybe someday Talos, maybe someday...
If the earth lasts that long...
We need to start a population control if we are more than likely trying to save more people and keep people alive longer.
I don't believe any of this.
Needs more sex toys.
The whole transmitting memories and thoughts thing sounds kind of creepy. My mind is a dark and disturbed place and I would like to keep it to myself.
That's cool
>buttcoin lololololol nope.
[spoiler]its at 77 replies[/spoiler]
I like Michio Kaku. He's my role model when it comes to Physics.