Can't tell you how many times invisibility has come in handy to avoid a wipe.
Much love to the Hunters in PoE.
Good Hunters have been the "medics" of PvE since release. At least, if you rock Blade Dancer. If you're a Hunter and you're not doing revives for your team, you're probably bad. Period. :P
Hunter invisible medic. Titan Bubble Medic. Warlock self-medic. Defensive classes FTW!
Ppl have been calling hunters "useless", and they have been calling them wimps for going invisible,
I was reviving like maniac as gunslinger tbh. Just jumped over all the fire and sniper bullets
Tbh i think poe is all hunters and titans
Arcanist with Radiance is also useful in POE. I reezz my teammate 3 time in the round 3 PoE.
When I played our Hunter always went down lol. That's not a shot at Hunters in general by the way, it was just the player.
I found a combination of all three was handy: Titans for bubbles, to protect us when all hell breaks loose (saint 14 is super handy for this). Warlocks using nova bomb can clear mobs easily (striker Titans can also do this). Sun singers I found were handy but mostly as a grenade spammer than for their revive (not so good when being attacked by constant mobs). Hunters with their invisibility as OP says is great as medics, but also bladedancer helps with the weaker enemies that run in mobs. There is no best class but I feel that the biggest challenge would be if you ran PoE with three of the same class!
I can confirm. I have crest and max bladedancer. M friends don't do nightfall without me because it's too "dangerous" Wtf. Hunters want to be loved as a person, not some German Harry Potter with a ghost busters vacuum. (Reference?) ;)
Your welcome lol
Saint-14+Armor of Light+Ward of Dawn+My Fists is my version of invisibility
Yesssssss omg made me and my friend beat the 32 PoE lol he was a useless striker titan and kept dying while I shot and hide the boss ;)
Through two poe runs we would have wiped without my blessing of light. Titans all day
I'm really loving how PoE makes every class useful in certain situations, especially happy for you Hunter lot! You guys were never viewed as being PvE friendly, now? All of you are invaluable more or less.
They're really useful for solo capping the dismantle points in the prison
I totally agree. Even though my warlock is my main, I feel like everybody does much better as a hunter
No Titans are, their bubble always saves the day. Hunters just cower inside it.
And keep Nightfall from becoming a Nightfail!
I have to admit, that invis is clutch sometimes. I only have a warlock and Titan. Still going back and forth on leveling my second warlock, or deleting him for a Hunter.
Bump, it's fun to do.
Hunter Bump