Have you ever played Crucible against a guy with Thorn or The Last Word? Have you ever missed the Heavy Ammo because teammates grabbed it too early? Have you ever met those people in Strikes that just run past everything? Wouldn't it be great to just flip them off with a classic middle finger? Personally, I believe this feature would be amazing. You could have the option to replace one of the D-Pad motions with it. I've always wanted to say, "-blam!- you", so many times, but couldn't. This feature would be amazing.
Yes, I realize that Destiny is rated "T for Teen", but there are plenty of PG-13 movies that show women's breasts. I don't think a middle-finger would be that bad. Sign here if you agree!
EDIT: It has been revived! Don't let it go to waste, Guardians!
EDIT 2: I just want most of you to know that, after talking with a few other Guardians, I realized that this is a little far-fetched. It is highly unlikely to happen and is probably just a misguided dream. However, that won't stop me from trying!
Uh... No...
Signed...finally a post worth reading
Destiny is Rated "T" for Teen by the ESRB. It is targeted for 12-17 year olds. (And yes, I know there are lots of adults and younger children that play) They wouldn't include a middle finger emote. Besides, that's completely against a guardian's style.
Editado por Sanders, Kell of chicken: 7/31/2015 4:01:48 PMI'm just picturing it showing up on the bottom of the screen [b]KFC BIG SHOT[/b] Flips you off
This is exactly what I wanted ever since this new shotgun meta came out
I would throw money at the screen for that one!
Editado por jumali98: 7/31/2015 3:08:14 PM
Singed x 1,000,000. It's my favorite gesture of all time. I'd even like to have the UK version and Mexican version as well.
Check the corresponding box below: ☑ Rekt ☐ Not Rekt
This is a Bungie game. No. Never.
I agree!! And in the kill feed, it can say "Popp a bru tells XXXX to get -blammed-!" And it could even blur the middle finger to keep the teen rating
Editado por Mister Nice Guy: 7/31/2015 2:32:18 PM[quote]Petition for a Middle-Finger option![/quote]Wrong game for that...go play Loadout. [quote]Personally, I believe this feature would be amazing.[/quote]It is, in that M rated game.
Bump. It'd be hilarious
This is not GTA...
Haha this would be awesome
This won't happen activision contracted biggie to release "T" rated games :(
Imagine this in the tower when you decrypt an engram
It would be perfect from my bubble shield. I already know people are feeling that sentiment when I put on my dance moves for them.
*throws money at screen*