Kneel before the Kell of Kells and ask me your questions!
Editado por RedKain243: 6/3/2015 1:50:46 PMDo you like orange soda?
Can I get a armor core from level 28 PoE??
No! You will kneel before the true Kell of Kells, Randal the God Vandal! Pray he has mercy on your disobedience.
How did you like my fireteams void sniper firing squad? You dropped quicker than a bad habit! Kell Of Kells my ass!
[quote]Kneel before the Kell of Kells and ask me your questions![/quote] If you escaped once, why not do it again. Also how did you get Into the vex network
Do your balls hang low? Did they wobble to and frow, can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow?
I played against you earlier today, I have nothing to say to you. You sick.
Are you part of the SKBC? (Secret Kell Breakfast Club)
Explain yourself... [spoiler][/spoiler]
Hey I'm organizing a 3 on 3 basketball game with me, Urrox, Tra'ug, Qodron, and the Servitor Kaliks, you up for it?
What brand of energy drink is flowing trough your drinking helmet?
Why did you bust into the VoG, and what are you using the Vex tech for? I mean what's your end game?
You still up for that game of poker
Why you no give me exotic bounty?!
Give me your scorch cannon
waffle crisp or french toast crunch?
Do you pee standing up?
Heard it was void burn this week. How do you feel about 3 truth rockets to the face?
Why did your silent fang insult me :(
Just asking why you bring the Bible into everything Kell of Kells? or should I say, King of Kings?! #exposed!
Why are you such a fùckwit?
Why don't you f@/$ing die?
Randal is Kell of Kells