So I played an RPG way back in the day, and all I remember of it is one person on your team was a prince wearing green (reminded me of Link kind of) that ran away from home with you about half way through the game I believe, and I remember a cut scene right before the final boss, where it shined spotlights down on each of the people in your team and the boss was talking but I don't remember what he was saying. The combat was kind of like Final Fantasy, but a little different. I downloaded some Emulators recently and would like to play through the game again. Please help me out!
Thanks for your input, guys!
I hope someone knows.
Wild Arms?
Final fantasy?
Kind of sounds like legend of dragoon on ps1
Shining Force?
Was the main character named Clockman by chance?!
Just search ps2 games and you'll eventually come across the one you're looking for.
- This may help.
What console?
How many characters were there?
Hm.. Well, I don't know of any game like that.. But.. KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSON I SUMMON YOU TO HELP THIS GUY! >:o