Hello Bungie.
I play Destiny as a Dead Orbit Hunter, and I would really love to get my hands on the Dead Orbit Cloak of Oblivion:
How and when can we get our hands on it?
Arm bands, they should all have faction arm bands so we can wear whatever cloaks we like without missing out on faction rep.
#MrDeadOrbit would also like to know where this exotic is. Also what the 'Achieve a high rank for rewards' text means on the reputation window. What rewards? What does bungie consider a high rank? Surely they don't mean faction packages after rank 3? What happened to 7Seraphs? And so forth... I would love to get a QnA with the faction designer.
This isn't new at all. I have seen images of that cloak and the new monarchy and FWC since like December. Why are they not in the game is beyond me.
Could anyone from Bungie please tell us if we will ever have access to this Hunter cloak? Thank you.
Editado por Ve7n00m: 6/9/2015 8:55:04 AMreally! Short cloaks are just horrible though.
The new legendary cloaks are pretty bad imo. - The ones from the factions are quite wide, they look alright on males but bad on females. - The trials of osiris one has a weird hood, which makes it seem like your head is bigger. - The other ones have hoods that are cut in, which I personally find really stupid looking. - The PoE cloak looks the same as this one, but on females back of the head looks a bit bigger. Still looks good though imo.
I think its an exotic class item. They look pretty sick, just not in game yet
Cloak of Oblivion is an Exotic Class Item. Exotic Class Items for each faction for each class has been in Destiny's database since Day One.
I've asked myself this many times. I've come to accept it's not in the game.....yet.
I'll just leave this here
Not currently available.
It's an exotic cape you dummy. You can't just buy it.
Never take what you find datamined as guaranteed. It could've have been scrapped by now.
That is.. amazing looking.