I am 21 years old.
I graduated nursing school in '14. Worked for 9 months now on a pulmonary step down unit at a level one trauma center.
I recently ended a relationship and it spurred me to just leave and achieve better things, and I have. I'm moving to Hershey PA to work in the HVICCU, which is impressive for me. I leave the 29th, start the 13th of July.
Although ending that last relationship, it began by ending one with a girl I've known for 5 years, been on and off with. I'm stubborn. Made mistakes. /human.
I want her there with me, told her that, want to really make it work, and settle down with our lives. She, for obvious reasons can't right now, with trust, love, etc. the usual. I understand. Pretty sure she talks to someone else, and still talks to me, but doesn't give anything emotional.
I am in such a good place in life right now and this is tearing me down. Part of me wants to stick it out and wait and bear the pain, in the hope it might happen, but at the same time I want to remove her existence from my life as fully as possible, ie block numbers/social media/snapchat etc, because she still keeps me there but has someone else. I'm -blam!-ing getting played.
But what's right and wrong? Input? Stfu Whiny scrub? Rekt? Regardless.
I'm in my feels entirely tonight, and this is my way to deal with it, rather than be a mopey bitch all night, because after typing this I already feel better. Sorry, just needed an outlet. God bless.
Not sure, but if she's not as emotionally invested in you as you are to her is it really worth it?
Editado por Aldrich: 6/21/2015 12:58:54 AMI agree. PvP need a rebalancing sweep. I'm not just talking racials, but skill trees and stuff as well. So many broken talent interactions. Level up... rewards systems in general actually, I think, are also in need of a fix. [spoiler]Let it drift doe. Been in that position before. Time, Space, and Distance.[/spoiler] [spoiler]You ever seen "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind"?[/spoiler] [spoiler]Might be "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. [/spoiler]
I'm sorry bro. I really do hope things get better.