Something I've been coming up with for about a week. Thought it was pretty cool so decided to share it. Tell me what you think!
[b]Annihilator[/b] (3/10 armor, 2/10 recovery, 4/10 agility)
"When the front line falls, become the front line."
[b]Sunburst Grenade[/b] - Small glowing orb that lets out a large explosion that burns the enemy shortly (large range - only OHKOs at very close range - good for chip damage)
[b]Sentry Grenade[/b] - Medium sized glowing orb that sticks to surfaces or stops in mid-air when close to an enemy. It rapidly fires 5 smaller orb-shaped blasts at a target in the vicinity (big damage, doesn't stick around long like a tripmine)
[b]Drag Grenade[/b] - Solid dark red rock with pulsing orange veins, takes a moment to explode and anyone caught in the explosion takes damage and has a slow debuff on them for 5 seconds (decent damage, medium range)
Increased height
Increased control
-[b]Double Jump[/b]-
The Titan brings his arms in and charges Solar energy for a few moments while a yellow glow overtakes them. They throw their arms out and explode in Solar energy. The explosion kills enemies in its kill-range and burns enemies too far to be killed. If activated in the air, the Titan will stop in mid-air and activate the Super
[b]Charge[/b] - The Titan dashes forward before exploding
[b]Ember Field[/b] - Supernova creates a spherical area that does lingering burn damage and slows down any enemies caught in it. The field lasts for 5 seconds
[b]Rage[/b] - After activating Supernova, the Titan remains charged with Solar energy. They gain an overshield and their melee energy recharges quickly (lasts until the overshield is lost or 5 seconds)
Melee Ability:
-[b]Nova Fist[/b]-
The Titan delivers a strong backhand with their left fist that knocks the opponent to the left and inflicts a burn on them
[b]Aggressive Hit[/b] - Nova Fist knocks opponents further
[b]Hot Hand[/b] - Opponents hit with Nova Fist burn longer
[b]Bash[/b] - Opponents hit with Nova Fist take more damage, but don't burn
Stats 1:
[b]*Same as other subclasses[/b]
Special 1:
[b]Anger of the Sun[/b] - Increases the explosive radius of Supernova
[b]Solar Weaponry[/b] - While Rage is active, all weapons do bonus damage (50% increase)
[b]Present Grenade[/b] - Gain an additional grenade
Stats 2:
[b]*Same as other subclasses[/b]
Special 2:
[b]Fire Charge[/b] - After sprinting for a short time, become engulfed in fire and burn any enemies that you run near
[b]Grenade Boost[/b] - Increases the explosive radius of all grenades
[b]Slam[/b] - Pressing RB(R2) in the air delivers a devastating ground slam that deals damage and burns in an area around the Titan
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