Scenario: Apocalyptic scenario with the theme of Zombies. They are the slow moving kind (Walking Dead) not Zack Snyders (Dawn Of The Dead) fast running kind. You are holding down a fortified position and have been tasked to go help clear a city similar in size to Houston, Tx / New York City. You can be either class and take any 2 exotics with you. Only 2. They can be either be two weapons or two armor pieces or one weapon and one armor piece like we have now. Which class do you choose? Which weapon/weapons do you take take with you? What armor do you wear?
Here is mine.
Warlock Sunsinger
- Firebolt Grenades
- Self Revive
- Gift of the Sun
2 Exotics : Icebreaker (Snipe all day)
Invective (Ammo Regen)
Legendary Armor
VOG Full Armor Set
Other Legendary Weapons
Defender Ice Breaker and Gally, ill just do the heavy ammo glitch. [spoiler]seriously tho i would bring invective and helm of the saint 14[/spoiler]
Icebreaker, bad juju. Always have ammo. And it takes our hordes
Super good advice and invective
Self res is useless since you don't technically die. I'd definately pick ice breaker and invective because ammo could be hard to come by. For my class, I'd choose gunslinger because more free ammo
My will breaker set, with gjallarhorn and vex mythoclast! Strike Titan ftw!!!
Mida and Ice breaker And for armor dont touch me and bone of eao
Night stalker -wall grenade -dot smoke -tether Scout with firefly Icebreaker Sga Corrective measure Armor - don't touch me I would be the one leading the zombies down pathways into smoke and walks of flame or locking them in place while I blow them all up at once with icebreaker or firefly
Icebreaker for unlimited ammo. The next one is a tie between Mida for insane speeds, and patience and time for invisibility.
Sun breaker Exotics:Ice Breaker :ThunderLord Legendaries:Fatebringer and Found Verdict Armor Full VoG gear
My warlock sunsinger with all my trials armor and exotic weapons would be bad juju (never reloading = never run out of ammo) and invective cause ammo regen.
Back then, a vendor from the tower sold a LMG called Zombie Apocalypse WF475. Should've had bought it...
Any legendary with shoot to loot. That way you never have to leave your spot.
Invective red death regel health infinite ammo all VoG armor sunsinger self res gift of som solar grenade
Editado por Lil_The_Myth: 9/3/2015 11:56:18 AMThorn the armour piercing rounds could kill a train of zombies in one shot. I just need to pick up flowers and take some thorns for bullets ;P And necrochasm or bad juju. They have to love me after that right? Having all that darkness on me. I would have to be a bladedancer fully speced for invisibility
Gunslinger with combustion and gamblers dagger lord of wolves and gally khepris sting Poe armor shadow of veils and the Poe hand cannon (not dregs promise )
Armor: what I currently have equipped (so bubble titan) Exotic weapon: red death Legendary weapons: felwinter's lie and btrd
Voidwalker with obsidian mind (because horde mode) Invective and Red death (heals wounds after each zombie kill and ammo regen shotgun= survival)
Dragon's Breath & Super Good Advice.
Sunbreaker Titan with Invective for free ammo and MIDA for quick getaways
Hunter, gunslinger, tripmine. 2 exotics- Mida and invective Other weapons, vestian dynasty and fatebringer Full vog armor
Editado por Kennywaspro: 7/14/2015 9:30:54 PMGunslinger Hunter (4 shot helmet) And either invective or icebreaker cause of the regenerative ammo Armor Crota gear that has balanced stats : intellect, decline and strength Other weapons FB or VOC
Striker class titan Lighting grenade Storm fist Exotics icebreaker red death Armor full trials gear because I'll look like a god
Blade dancer, ice breaker and don't touch me gauntlets.
Editado por PhoneticLand: 7/14/2015 7:46:53 PMAfter some very strenuous thoughts, here's my give and take on each class' ability to handle itself in the zombie apocalypse and what weapons I think work best Tier S Classes: Sunsinger, Stormcaller, Bladedancer, Nightstalker, Sunbreaker Tier A Classes: Gunslinger Tier B Classes: Striker, Voidwalker Tier C Classes: Defender Reasons for S Tiers: Sunsinger: Self Resurrection is a clear winner here. It's the ultimate back up plan to any sticky situation, coupled with Purifier Robes you can immediately escape almost any situation. Solar Grenades would work as cut off points, allowing you to focus on either another horde while the others burn away, or to simply make your escape. The Warlock jump, while not being the best in my opinion, will help you float above zombies and pick them off before you land. This with Angel of Light would allow a Sunsinger ample time in the air to take out immediate threats and make an escape. They also have the melee to give them a shield back. Very clear winner in my eyes. Bladedancer: Invisibility is what pushes this class into S tier for me. Making supply runs, escaping sticky situations, and allowing agility on the battlefield to station yourself in a prime position. Arcbolt grenade is okay, it's main purpose would be to clear the closest zombies as you pick off farther ones. Razors Edge can clear a crazy amount of zombies from a safe distance, and Vanish can give you a prolonged escape. Not the best class. But S tier in my eyes Nightstalker: The Slash Grenade can choke points as well as the Solar Grenade. The Shadowshot could tether a whole horde of zombies from a safe distance. The shadestep allows you to quickly escape a troubling situation or oncoming threat. The Smog melee creates another aoe effect that can kill. Maybe the second best class for this. S Tier for sure. Sunbreaker: The Match Grenade clearly wins out here and gives you another choke point option. The Hammer of Sol is a very powerful super here and grants you the ability to kill from a safe distance. The melee isn't too amazing, but exploding enemies near you would pretty much guarantee a clutch escape. S Tier, but barely. Stormcaller: The Lightning Grenade is a very good grenade. The Super can clear a ton of enemies quickly. The mini blink in super is also very ideal. The longer melee allows for you to kill from farther. This class speaks for itself. S tier. A Tier: Gunslinger: The Tripmine Grenade or Swarm Grenade are both viable options. The issues are that as traps, they dissappear. Golden Gun with Combustion seems a prime example of a super that clears a horde. Here's my issue with it. The loud noise. Nothing is gonna attract a ton of zombies like a cannon sounding super. More on this later. The Throwing Knives are what push this into A Tier, and with correct perks, you could silently kill a lot of zombies, as long as your aim is true. B Tier: Striker: The only thing this class has for it is its Lightning Grenade. The Shoulder Charge simply feels weak as you shouldn't be running towards zombies. Sure, if you're flanked you could take out one and keep going but it just doesn't feel like the best use of a perk. Fist of Havoc, while being able to clear and absurd amount of zombies at a time, requires you're within biting distance to even use. The Death From Above could alleviate that, but then you don't have a Shockwave to protect yourself with, because such a loud shockwave will attract more zombies and when the other zombies come flooding in, you have no backup. Melee is underwhelming. Sorry Striker. B Tier Voidwalker: Good choke grenades. My issue is the loud noise of Nova Bomb. Even paired with Obsidian Mind, it doesn't change the fact that after killing 10 zombies you're inviting in 100 more. Doesn't seem practical. Tier C: Defender: I'm sorry Defender. Even paired with Helm of Saint 14, your whole super is based around being surrounded. It just doesn't make sense. You could take them out before they get to you. And even if you did have the bubble, even with Helm, you'd still have to take them out. I just don't see it being a good strategy. Spike Grenade is an okay choke point holder. Other than that, just doesn't do it for me. As for Weapons, I feel a very very obvious one is Icebreaker. Anyone and everyone should use this. But then I thought, hmm, what is a good close quarters, silent combat weapon with a fast reload speed? My only answer was: Dreg's Promise. However ridiculous that seems, it actually would be very strong, along with Vestian Dynasty. Two more important things to consider are, these are energy beams, not bullets. The sound from both Icebreaker and Dreg's Promise would be much quieter than something like Black Hammer or Fatebringer. But simply due to its ability to clear hordes, Fatebringer would be my primary. So what would my load out be? Nightstalker. Smog Grenade, Slash Grenade, Shadestep, Shadowshot. All amazing utility and power. I would either load out with Fatebringer, Icebreaker/Dreg's Promise, then BTRD-345, OR drop Dreg's Promise for Khepris Sting to grant me a slight utility boost for getting out of a situation. Edit!: Very honorable mention to Bad Juju. Very, VERY good.
Dregs promise. Lucky raspberry
bad juju and obsidian mind.... Nova bombs for days