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Hablemos de Destiny.
7/21/2015 5:42:11 AM

Some questions about recent developments

With the recent announcements by Bungie, and the recent Xur scandal; I've had several concerns and questions. -First; why is everyone so pissed that Xur didn't sell a weapon this week? His inventory is random and it was only a matter of time before it happened. I thought it was funny; I had hoped that he would sell hardlight; the gun I had been wanting since day 1. (loved it in the beta. Wished they kept arc burn on it.) I ended up getting it from PoE on my hunter. -Second: With the recent weapon 2.0 patch, alot of guns are being nerfed or buffed. Most notably Ghorn and Hardlight. I'm worried that the buff will lead to another cycle of mass use and nerfatude that befell the Thorn now and AR's originally. (on a side note, I do worry about how the thorn will work the 5x stacking of it's DoT) Bungie sofar has been known to nerf things that are used too much; and with all this hype about how Hardlight will the next top tier gun; you can expect a fair bit of complaints about it and Suros when the patch drops. -Third: The Ghorn nerf. The poor thing's getting hit harder than the Gorn by Kirk in that one episode of Star Trek. Before it made Lfg unbearable to many due to the elitism brought about by it. I'm almost a year 1 player; started about 4-5 weeks after it released. Never had a Ghorn drop for me. Or many other exotics for that matter. Most of the ones I've gotten I've bought or gotten from raids. (never had a problem personally with Ghorn people, but several fireteam members have.) But now, it's going to make it worse. It used to cover for players who couldn't due max damage due to not being max level or having ascended gear (As well as cheesing; we can't deny that.) But now people will be demanding others to have it to make up for its lessened damage; which is going to be an even bigger issue. -Fourth: Trials of the Ping. From what I've been gathering from the forums and my feelers out in the community; trials of Osiris has been somewhat of a letdown. The promise of amazing gear from doing well in PvP drew alot of people in; including some of an unsavory crowd. Most of the time issues have been chalked up to bad ping or connection issues; which itself lies in matchmaking. Same goes for player skill; but I'm not going to go into that. (Drew too much flak from other posts about it. Not going to deal with those kind of people again.) And then there's the cheaters. Most people call it lag, but you can see the evidence recorded around the forums. That ain't no lag. And from what others are saying, Bungie has not really been doing a great job moderating PvP lately which has been a huge disappointment to us. This kind of thing could ruin the future of other PvP modes in this game. In summary: no ping filter in matchmaking, bad moderation, and somewhat disappointing matchmaking. -Fifth: Worry about Taken King. With the Taken king, we're going to be getting alot of new content; most notably weapons. Quite a few will be PS exclusive. These new guns might be a remake of others but simply more powerful (Not good for crucible), and from what I would assume new exotics as well. People might be complaining about Thorn or Red Death on a stick now, But come November we might have some chaingun that fires bullets through walls or seeks targets. Maybe even a chestpiece that allows voidwalkers to self rez or a Hunter to have unlimited blink. (If this actually happens I'm going to be hysterical. XD) While a beta would ruin the surprise of the content, it's obvious some things were not properly tested in the base game; the same could be true with the new DLC. All of the new exotics with the House of Scorch cannon were some of the more balanced. Each were situational and dominated in those situations when used properly, in other situations legendaries could do the job better. That's what made them exotic. Being unique. But unless these new guns in the Taken King are properly tested or well thought out; we could have another fiasco on our hands. Also on a side note; depending on how the new leveling system works, almost all of our gear could be rendered obsolete and worthless. I'd rather not have to dismantle EVERYTHING I worked for weeks/days to get. Star Trek online handled new leveling perfectly; rather than having to earn new gear altogether you upgraded your pre-existing gear to higher levels. I hope that's how it's going to work. Sorry for the long read; I just had alot to get out. Thanks for lasting through it. Also, keep the posts/replies civil. I don't enjoy it when a community fights itself. ~Cheers!

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  • Bungie's track record with new weapons has been dismal. Each iteration has brought out worse and worse weapons. Why is it people are not doing PoE with PoE weapons? Because they are garbage. Bungie is in the process of wiping out all the old good weapons to force people into subpar weapons that will have a hard time taking down ever more powerful Bullet Sponge enemies, because that is the only model they seem to know. Whatever magic they had to create VoG, which no OP weapon really affects due to all of the game mechanics, is long gone. Instead, they only seem to know make the Guardian weaker and weaker against ever stronger enemies. Let's take the fun out of the game and just extend the grind. Yes, when TTK drops, you can bet all of your existing gear will be worthless. You will need to grind for more weapons that look good on paper but underperform in every aspect of the game. And don't expect any improvements in PvP. New maps and modes won't mean squat because red bar is still going to ruin your lobby.

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