Continued from [url=]part 9: shotguns[/url]
[b]The Exotic Shottys[/b]
[b]Universal Remote[/b]
Ask guardians what the 3 most useless exotics are, and UR will probably be one of them. Like TLW, UR is one of those guns where the stats lie to you. Yes, that impact isn't all that great and the range is laughable... until you unlock its namesake perk. Try throwing it on then triple jumping or blinking over someone and fire from ADS and watch the results. The range and damage is actually pretty nuts, kinda like having rangefinder, shot package, and an extra crit multiplier all rolled in one. Plus you can run shotty snipes without having to use NLB.
The real issue with UR right now is the availability of max range shot package Felwinter-types, which make UR unnecessary unless you absolutely can't stand the thought of having to reload your Felwinter. Its only current advantage is fire rate. However, it looks like UR is going to weather the Nerfpocalypse and come out smiling. Remember, Universal Remote has terrible range, even with hammer forged, Crowd Control, and its namesake, Universal Remote which feels like shot package and rangefinder's beautiful steroid-abusing love child. What this means is that the Shot Package and Rangefinder nerfs will not affect it, but will lower all of its functional replacements. Add this to the incoming damage and precision damage nerfs and its precision damage bonus means UR is starting to look like it might've earned its extoic title back.
It's been a while since I've used Invective, but its definitely a solid exotic. If you see it in pvp, though, you know you're looking at guardian who quivers at the thought of actually having to touch an ammo box. It's not quite 4th Horseman, I know, but it fires stupid fast, has final round, has great stability, solid range and damage, and regens ammo. What's not to love?
Seeing as how it has none of the perks that are getting nerfed, only the damage nerfs apply. I don't really forsee this affecting Invective any more or less than it affects the class as a whole.
[b]4th Horseman[/b]
Like I said, xbox guardian, so I'm going to have to do some guesswork here. Man, this gun looks freaking awesome. This gun already had the exotic visuals nailed, and since 1.1.1 it's definitely looks like it's become really awesome to use. My advice: don't screw it up now. 10% doesn't sound like enough of a nerf to really be worried about, but you never really know until it's out in the wild.
The gun stands out because of its stupid high fire rate. While it lacks Invective's ammo regen, it's arc, has a 5 round mag, and has the now retired 2nd gen perk Return to Sender (one of the single best Shotgun perks in existence. If you have a 2nd gen Felwinter, reroll that baby to aggressive, return to sender, hammer forged, shot package) It also has ridiculously high stability and ridiculously low range. Bungie, if you wanted a high risk/high reward shotty, congratulations, you've definitely got one. Like its sister Invective, this shotty will share its fate with the rest of the weapon class
[b]Lord of Wolves[/b]
This is the only exotic you mentioned by name. I just got my Queen'sbreaker and I should have my Lord next week, but a clanmate has his and I can definitely tell Bungie knocked it out of the park with this one. Great exotic visuals, a truly unique firing behavior, and it's beastly effective. The only complaint anyone ever had was that Devil's Touch was underwhelming.
* Tripled recovery boost bonus for allies granted by Lord of Wolves – ask and ye shall receive. The name Lord of Wolves will strike fear into minions of the darkness and lesser guardians alike. Couldn't be happier with this change, especially since it makes it an interesting strategic choice for pve.
Other than that, LoW remains unchanged, and only the basic shotgun damage nerfs will apply, so I don't really expect any issues.
Continued in part [url=]11: sniper rifles[/url]