publicado originalmente en:Seventh Conflux
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[url=]Seventh Conflux[/url] is a group trying hard to bring back B.old style community interaction through contests, content, and game nights. The [i]Topic Train[/i] is a new spin up to branch out into #Offtopic, injecting some new material into the sub-forum each week, if it takes off. Check out the group for other events and threads and check out the wall to join in discussion of new ideas or just an older, less chaotic style of chat.
Below are five queries. Answer one, answer some, or answer all.
Topic Train Topic #1: What's your favorite meme? Drop an image in the [i]image url box[/i].
Topic Train Topic #2: You must pick a Taylor Swift song that describes your life right now. What is it?
Topic Train Topic #3: List one thing you learned during your tenure on Bnet.
Topic Train Topic #4: Foman vs Evilcam. Who wins and why?
Topic Train Topic #5: You, and only you, blackmail Achronos into providing a single-word tag, like "Ninja" or "Mentor." What does it say? What color is it?
Editado por Dietrich Six: 7/23/2015 6:11:53 PM2: shake it off, cause I went wee wee. 3: nothing I didn't already know. 4: foman, because foman 5: [buttsecks] in a constantly changing rainbow of colors, because I'm an asshat