So, what you're telling me, is that in order to do a 35 PoE from LFG, I have to hop on one foot backwards, while singing Thriller in Vietnamese? Not only that, but beforehand I have to bathe in a strange mixture of blood of orphans, guardian tears, and honey from African Killer Bees?! Bungie, this is getting out of hand... Plz nerf.
Oh, and before I forget, I won't even be allowed to access the website without equipping Thorn, Gally, Ice Breaker, AND unlock the Stormcaller? I'm disappointed...
Edit: I can't believe there are so many people that function on such a low mental capacity that they can't spot a parody/satire when they see it. I fear for this community.
I would not LFG a 35 PoE under ANY circumstance. Too many posts about being kicked for friends and stupid crap. Doing that run for hours to get booted at then end would incite a level of rage only crucible can conjure. 35 PoE is a commitment and one that should be done with people who can communicate and be trusted.
I use friends to do PoE and raids like destiny was made to do.
So what your saying is you dont have 2 friends to play destiny with? I am anti social as hell and outside of my clan I have managed to meet hella people.... #gitfriends
I've found two pretty good groups for 35 PoE. Neither required a Gjally(which I do have), and both communicated very well. Try Destiny Tracker instead of Destiny LFG, maybe you'll get better results.
why use LFG anyways what a waste of time... Don't associate yourself with the Elitism that is brewing there. Just send a msg out to the people on your friends list and see who is keen to give it a go and do it... Or send a msg on a clan group, there is always someone willing to give it a go. You can even go in solo and leave your fireteam open and guaranteed others will join on you... All these crappy sites are useless and the idiots on them too with their stupid requirements.
35 Poe Thx to pos Bungie is a waste of time. 25 completions so I should know. F bungie
A definite overreaction. Most people will take anyone with the right lvl requirement. Make your own group if you smell that bad.
Editado por njl4515: 7/24/2015 9:58:52 AMShut up, Meg.
Wow fancy that... People are asking for end game players for end game content. What are the chances!?!
If you can't find a group just. Look for many instead it's not a hard problem to solve