So, what you're telling me, is that in order to do a 35 PoE from LFG, I have to hop on one foot backwards, while singing Thriller in Vietnamese? Not only that, but beforehand I have to bathe in a strange mixture of blood of orphans, guardian tears, and honey from African Killer Bees?! Bungie, this is getting out of hand... Plz nerf.
Oh, and before I forget, I won't even be allowed to access the website without equipping Thorn, Gally, Ice Breaker, AND unlock the Stormcaller? I'm disappointed...
Edit: I can't believe there are so many people that function on such a low mental capacity that they can't spot a parody/satire when they see it. I fear for this community.
Wow fancy that... People are asking for end game players for end game content. What are the chances!?!