Guys, the first ship you get isn't the first ship you get.
Ok, so recently I deleted one of my characters so I could make a new one to level up alongside my buddy who just started out. Now, I'm one of the people who like to hang on to their first Stranger's Rifle and Kovostov and even the first ship you get. Now, after I completed the first story and I got that first ship, I noticed it had a longer description than the other two Arcadia Class ships that I had acquired with my other characters, the first ship you'll end up with. Upon further inspection, I realized that, while it had the same body, its paint job differs from my other first ships. Now, if you'll remember, after you complete that first mission you head to the tower and see the Vanguard blah blah blah, but, you also head to the Shipwright. I, like most others I'm sure, thought that she just 'fixed' your ship and it didn't really change anything. But it does, it gives you a new ship, that nice orange and steel grey ship we've all come to want to get rid of asap for the sake of being unique. But this other ship, it was blue and yellow. Fancy! Now, what seems to be the case is that when you see the Shipwright the game checks to see if you've got that Arcadia ship equipped, and if so it deletes it and replaces it with the new orange one. What I did, was switch it out for some other ship (Ticktock Inquisitor I believe) and hid the first Arcadia ship in my vault. When I went to the Shipwright she gave me my new orange one and sent me off (my Inquisitor stayed as well). So now I've ended up with what seems to be a very rare blue and yellow ship, with an even more descriptive description (something about Arcadia Class ships being very common gold age ships). I've no idea if this is unheard of or completely well known, but I thought I'd share. If you decide to try this or have already known about it please let me know with a reply, just curious to see how well known this is, I'm assuming not very because of how few people would switch up they're level 2's ship.
-- Mocha
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