publicado originalmente en:Thorny Guardians
I care about no wisdom, the fight is all I need
Up against the darkness, creatures of hate and greed
Now Oryx is coming, out from deep in space
His ship is called the Dreadnaught, a ship we plan to raid
He's coming for us Guardians, fueled by anger and hate.
He may have too much power, but this challenge we will take
Much we have to lose, and much we have to win
We'll grab our new subclasses, and fight Hive with our kin
We must attack the Dreadnaught, find our way to Oryx
Titans will need stones, Hunters will need sticks.
We work away at Oryx, and never want to fall
We've almost destroyed Oryx, the leader we will have mauled.
Down into red health, and still I stand sky tall
We destroyed Oryx, the bane of us all.
We come back to the city, now free from Oryx's grip.
I summon for my sparrow, I summon for my ship
I stand a Thorny Guardian, with the Thorn upon my hip
By xR eTooth, AKA Electric Tooth, or Toothless1306
Thorny Guardians FTW!!!
This was so bad and embarrasing. :l
Nooooice :)