How old do you think the master of horse porn is? Is he a small child? Or a 40 year old living in his mom's basement (or farm, since he fu-cks horses)?
Damn, this poll is really lopsided.
I think most people here are 13 because of the way they act
Old enough
Considering the fact that he knows how to program he should be at least 20.
Old enough ;)
My guess is 38
he is timeless
At least 20
As old as the Universe. Engra is eternal.
:comes in expecting flood to vote 30+: :leaves satisfied with poll results:
Editado por Tanner: 9/6/2015 6:19:52 AMI think he's 20-30 years old.
50 year old black horse
Old enough to penetrate a horse.
38, I think.
-blam!- off
Def under 12