I'm am not losing my mind like some of the other posters, but I have a serious question, and I think a fair amount of people are wondering the same thing. And it would be great if we could get a Bungie representative to weigh in on this.
Why nerf field scout?
Field scout was always a choice between a better magazine or increased range, stability, explosive rounds, etc. It was understood that having more rounds in the clip was a trade off for an increase in some other attribute of the gun. And most of my guns with field scout, I'd regularly switch the perk with another to cater to specific situations. It was extremely balanced already in my opinion. The nerf it needed was that the additional round should have been taken from the clip when the perk was changed by the player. I'm guilty of that trick myself. Corrective Measure during iron banner was vicious when I could have field scout on for a 100-round clip, and then switch to perfect balance for the insane stability (I could land every round on a dime at 100 yrds with that beast).
The perk is now unusable. Universally, increasing a stat on a gun will be superior to more ammo in reserve, except in maybe a few heavy variations. No primaries, and few if any secondaries will benefit from this. You nerfed it right out of the game. I whole-heartedly agree with this new paradigm of forcing people to specialize their guns and play-styles via these perks, by giving significant advantage in one area while taking it away elsewhere. But what is the advantage of more ammo in reserve on a handcannon. What is the play-style being promoted? I get to reload 2 more times? You wanted handcannons to be more deliberate, but if I'm at the end of my ammo reserve, I wasn't being deliberate. Sustained damage is the key to the old field scout, and I often gave up range and accuracy and stability for sustained damage because I liked being in the thick of it. If you're not in the thick of, reloading more often is not so bad, and people who play as such would benefit more from range or stability buffs. The balance of this perk made 100% sense before.
Now this perk is not a perk, it's kind of a cruel and poorly thought out joke.
If any thought at all went into this perk change, I'd love to hear a bungie representative defend it. I'd love to be shown that I'm wrong, or at least that there is some viable rationale for this change. I have a feeling though, that I'll be disappointed. Interested to know what others think.
Please don't get in fights discussing this. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and you only make yourself look silly when you put others down. Discussing things in a cordial manner, will showcase far better, the value in your argument.
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