First of all, even if Dinklebot was a better and more beloved voice actor, the script he was given to read for year 1 story was complete trash, and because of recent court documents, we now know Activision is to blame.
Here's the issue:
What you are hearing Nolan North read is still a crap-tastic year 1 script. Activision over-stepped their bounds BIG time and completely screwed with what Bungie had planned. This resulted in a medicore story. Once the reviews came out, Activision of course gets a win-win. They can blame Bungie for the terrible story, and still make their money back.
Meanwhile, if they are smart (which they are a multi-billion dollar publisher so they are some what intelligent. Not much.) they will allow Bungie to take full control of their game back over, because Activision will realize that they screwed up. The Taken King is probably fairly decent (and compared to year 1, a godsend) in terms of writing and story telling, and probably written to suit Nolan North's character he is portraying as the new Ghost.
This is why you should reserve judgement until we have played TTK. If he's still terrible then, by all means.
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