Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me if what Bungie did with the most recent Taken King update is legal. I know it sounds extreme but when I purchased the game a few months ago, nowhere did it say anything about the majority of the game being taken away unless I paid for updates. When I purchased the game, I was content with all that it had to offer. Had I bought the game in its current state (without paying for the DLC), I would have returned it immediately as I cannot buy anything from the tower, there are no daily strikes or nightfalls available to me, there are now only 3 crucible game modes, and in addition to that, even in the crucible I can hardly play since most players have much better equipment than me as I can't match them since they bought the DLC.
Again, I know it seems extreme but is this really legal ? Can they take away something that I paid for ? And if so where is the limit ? Can they eventually just take away everything ? I mean as it stands the game is not really playable any longer and I am not going to give them $40 for a DLC when I know good and well they will be doing this again with the next one. Any thoughts ?
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