I bet this has happen to some of you all. You and your team do the King's Fall Raud, hoping to collect all the Raid Armor Set before the Heroic version, yet you get nothing but repeated armor pieces or moldering shards. Like wtf. I did the raid since it came out and i only gotten the Leg and Chest piece for my 3 guardians (Titan, Warlock and Hunter) and a huge amount of moldering shards. Bungie said that the loot system should be better when it comes to raid loot, but thats alot of bullshit. I dont know if its a bug that they either dont know or know about it but are either trying to fix it or not. Bungie if you read this, then do something about it. If ya need to check my PS4 Destiny Data for evidence then go, but please just do something. Even when using moldering shards at oryx i still get the same armor pieces. Even other players must having these problem.
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