I am going salty about this.
But it is becoming a f**king cancer of the whole bungie.net forum.
People are saying things like
(Insert a game that a person think is superior) will kill Destiny or Destiny will die soon because blah blah blah blah BLAH!!!
May I ask you that, DON'T GO TO THIS FORUM AGAIN if you want the game to die.
This forum is certainly discussed for people who want to play this game.
At least a hunter arguing about Sunbreakers is a much more intelligent thread because it is f**king relevant to the game.
Why do you even want the game to die? What did it do you? Just treat it like a normal video game...gosh.... Don't force others. It's their money and they're in charge of it.
"Wasted my money on DLC"
Then why keep paying?
"Bungo is being bad to us"
Stop playing. Simple with no complaints
"I just hate this game!"
Then go away. More likely it could be a gradual effect.
"Shut up Meg"
Who's Meg?
Just go play your Destiny replacement. Don't f**king bash and don't come back from this forum.
v.v it's sad but true. I play on the 360. It takes forever to find matches now :'(
Editado por Soul_Eater_42: 11/11/2015 6:22:59 PMThat's why I often report those posts. So they disappear from my sight forever. If you find others games are/will be more interesting, simply take the game disc out, put in the game you like, and play it. Why continue to come here and bash this game when you've already got something better to play? Why not go to that game's forum since you enjoy it so much? Or maybe it's not as fun and you feel lonely, so you come back to these forums to troll and get the attention you crave so much. Constructive critical is one thing, but continuously bashing the game, saying things like "Destiny is dead" or "______ will kill Destiny" is just completely unnecessary. They're not facts. Just the petty opinions of those that are frustrated with Bungie's ridiculous decisions with the game. Now, with that said, Bungie obviously has no clue what they're doing, what direction they want to take this game in. They make all these changes, some good, but some that are just plain disastrous. And some could definitely use some improvement. The weapon balancing is absolutely dreadful. There always seem to be at least one gun that dominates, and one or 2 that become next to useless. It would be nice for every weapon to be viable at their respective ranges. Honestly, rather than remove certain perks, changing them, or changing the weapon archetypes themselves would have been a better way to go. Fusion rifles were once the most effective counter for shotguns, but then they drastically increased the projectile spread, making them next to useless, even in mid-close range where they should be effective. Sidearms need some work, a bit more impact or range, and perks that would actually benefit them. Autorifles still need a damage boost. Fusion rifles need the spread tightened, but not so much that you could hit enemies at long range like before. Handcannons need their range and accuracy adjusted so that you can actually hit something at mid-close ranges. They went overboard on the range reduction. Not to mention, it was an unnecessary blanket adjustment when all that really needed fixing were the Exotic handcannons. The new light level system is an improvement, but it still suffers from the same issue as before. A lack of gear diversity. Even with the new system in place, there's a lack of customization. There's not a large variety of legendary armor and weapons to choose from. Not to mention, the Rare gear is often better-looking. For that, the best solution would be to create Year 2 versions of all Year 1 non-Raid/non-activity specific legendary weapons, armor, and class items with Year 2 perk rolls. Make them obtainable at random from Engrams, Nightfall, etc. While we're at it, why not make Weapon Foundry armor? I kind of wonder how Omolon armor would look. Lastly, since Etheric Light is basically pointless at this point, why not give it a new purpose? A new ability. Give Etheric Light the function of turning Year 2 rare armor and weapons into a Legendary version, similar to the Legendary Sparrow upgrade, and give them a random Legendary weapon/armor perk roll relevant to that armor or weapon-type, with an Infusion option as well. And when these upgraded legendaries are dismantled, they drop an Etheric Light, like Exotics drop Exotic shards, so you can upgrade another Rare gear you might like better.
Just another fad that will come and go smh community
Delete this game and annoy ppl on the forums.
for continuing to manipulate fanboys constantly.
You know what is a cancer? Basement babies like you crying because other people bought much better games and now you don't have any pocket money left, and the fact you have to make posts like this to make yourself feel better about your poor buying decisions. [spoiler]rekt[/spoiler] [b][u]''Meltin steel since '01![/u][/b]
People say it in the slight chance that others will feel let down by bungie and the game and leave too. They want bungie to realize that while the game is good it could be great if they implemented some features and changes the community wants. Most that are complaining and saying other games will kill destiny is actually because they too care about destiny and actually want the developer to wake up! Cater to the fans more or see that they will in fact leave. I have said it a 100 times. When your entire game (maps, weekly, NF, loot tables, Xur) Everything is RNG, it makes you look like your hands off and on auto pilot. and you are still balancing weapons in year two while producing game breaking bugs in each patch in year TWO of your game. So again I think those that are upset and talking about other games is their way of saying, hey bungie CHANGE YOUR LAZY AND WICKED WAYS! You already made mega money on this game, your next might not be the same if you don't change.
I love this game, but at the same time, I hate how bungie handles it. I think the reason people want to see destiny suffer from player loss is the hope that bungie will finally get their shit together and stop breaking things we like and actually give the player more control over their experience. Bungie is too heavy handed in areas like weapon balance, uncalled for economy nerfs and the like. Maybe, when they see only 7 guys grinding out that level 320, they will realize a game should be fun, not work. Not to say the game isn't fun, but goddamn it's a lot of work for what ultimately feels like little payoff
Editado por FreakingElite09: 11/11/2015 5:05:08 PMBecause Bungie leadership so blatantly and clearly said *bleep* you to all the people that held them in high esteem. I enjoy Destiny and dont go around happily announcing its termination with every new game, but they did what they did, and everyone knows now why they did it, and predicting this sort of reaction from customers was a no brainer. The expectations that THEY set were really really really high. And they didnt just let players down, they did it by nixing two people that Bungie fans dearly loved and then handing us a cut and paste game with artificially extended playtime. Thats the crux of it. And then charged for stuff that was originally supposed to be in vanilla.
I still love this game but the nightfalls are not worth doing anymore the rewards are sh*t plus no xp buff , we get less xp from bounties and the whole weapon drought was cause by bungie not the players instead of improving from year one bungie made it worst
Because everyone is mad (including myself) that their favorite game was turned to shit by the devs. It sucks ass now and we want to see bungie pay for what they've done. So, we all say it's dead/dying until everyone believes us and quits. That's the plan. And in a big way, it's working.
Its just kids man They can't appreciate anything because their mother bought it for them. Bunch of jaded little assholes
Because your dog dies, your sons the villain, and have to kill him or nuke Boston
I wouldn't believe anyone quit Destiny unless they deleted all their characters.
Because it is cool to hate your most overplayed and secretly favorite game ever these days! Didn't you know?
Think about what you just wrote and then tell us your real reason. The game is dying due to lack of creativity and less content. Most of the content has been cut and ppl are are raging that its too short. I for once agree with this logic. I wouldnt but i do now. Bungie promised Free-Roam. Did we get that? No we did not. Is the game getting any better? A bit yes n no. Ttk story was perfect and raid. But it bcame boring due too year 2 noobs claiming to be better than year 1. ( BS ) Ppl dont give a sht if your exp or not- lack of respect and co-operation/ communication is a bitch. More n more n more crap i can talk but its pointless. There will be an idiot and will say "Get Gud" ( Dude. Just STFUP we all know RNG was nice to you and you didnt get to bitch)
Cus we enjoy the game but we hate it at the same time. We hate bungie, we hate activision, we hate all these paid dlcs that we HAVE to buy or get locked outta content and we are all just begging for a good enough game to completely release us from destiny so we can fking move on finally.
How about if you don't like a post don't read it? Sounds more logical than your dumbass rant.
Thank you. I love destiny and hate seeing posts by others saying it's going to die. Just leave if you think that.
Did you know in China, shills like you get paid $.50 a post. How much did bungievision pay you?
The people on here that "don't play anymore and want it dead and just like to read the forums for entertainment," are the ones who secretly [i]want [/i]to play, but their egos won't let them...
shut up meg...
Rather than attack the community, which just makes the community more toxic, let's explore the question of [u]why Guardians attack Destiny[/u]: 1) Tough love. The community tried to make Destiny better with constructive criticism. Now it's time Destiny got scared straight. 2) Open defiance of Bungie. Too bad for the community that Bungie doesn't read their own forums. 3) The bubble of cognitive dissonance bursts! After over a year convincing themselves that they wouldn't spend so much time on a game they hate, Guardians realize the truth, and the truth hurts. 4) Destiny is actually dying! You know it's got to happen sometime. Nothing lasts forever. 5) #Forever___. There's just something about this game makes players hate it.
Because dying is..(puts sunglasses on)..its destiny. YEEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, if you're hyped for game and you won't be playing Destiny once it comes out, you don't got to make a big deal about it