There has to be an alternative way to get passage coins other than losing trials. There just has to be. You only get 1 passage coin for doing the daily. That's not enough. I don't get why they can't just drop in regular crucible. I love trials and I like to play like 4-5 cards every weekend but I just don't have the passage coins to do that anymore. I mean yea, if I was good enough, I'd make it to the lighthouse my first card every week. But I'm not that good and most people aren't. So what is someone like myself supposed to do if I want to play trials but don't have the coins? I'm not going in without any boons and putting in all that work and effort just to lose at 6 wins. That's stupid. So please, we need more sources to obtain passage coins. I want to play trials more!
Anybody want to farm passage coins with me?!
Need 1 for farming passage coins
Yea ive deleted about 200. U would think u would be able to lock them just like everything else by now smh
I accidentally deleted all 312 Passage Coins. I've only managed to earn 4 back. Lol
I feel you i had about 98 this morning and when i wasnt paying attention sort of deleted them wasnt till i done it i realised i held square on the wrong thing. Back up to about 20 though
I can't get rid of the damn things fast enough! I use 9 for a card and by the time I'm done with that card I have gained 12 more! I don't understand what the problem is..
I accumulated 400+ from Crucible. Only started playing Trials 2 weeks ago.
They used to drop quite often in year 1, usually 2 a game. However, I'm pretty sure bungie said something about the old passage coins wouldn't work for year 2 trials right around the time they stopped dropping...
Daily. I havr hundreds
If you finish 4 to 5 cards, and don't go flawless, you should have plenty of coins? I have like 100 and my only source is losing matches getting bounties done?
I have hundreds and have never played trials. Must be getting them somewhere....
This is a hunch but i think when we have a use for etheric light, they will exchange them for passage coins just a hunch though.
They should have say 3 given in the daily crucible along with the marks. Was that way before ttk. Don't see why that should change.
I have almost 200 and would give you some if I could.
i have 712 coins from bashing trials out last year
Editado por AnfieldRoad17: 11/13/2015 3:37:02 PMI've gotten them in normal crucible. I have boat loads, but I also don't play trials no more than 2-3 times each week. I agree there should be an alternative route.
I havent done trials but have been saving them since HoW and I have over a hundred so if I could ivwould give them to pepple cause I dont plan on doing trials.
Lost me at "Trails"
I have tons of them but I agree with you there should an alternative, maybe an option to pay for a card with glimmer
I've got them from normal crucibles