Discovering year 2 versions of year 1 exotics does not unlock the year 1 version of that exotic?
So, if you discover a year 1 version of a year 2 exotic it will unlock the year 2 version of that exotic at the blueprint vendor. But, if you discover the year 2 version of an exotic, in my case the Don't Touch Me Gauntlets for hunter, the year 1 version of it still 'requires discovery? Now I know there is no point in having year 1 versions of exotics anymore as we are in year 2. But for people like me wanting to complete their year 1 collection of exotics, we would have to spend 29 strange coins on a legacy engram from xur or get lucky completing year 1 content in order to only have a small chance of getting the exotics we do not already have. I know this was pretty pointless to write and it actually has no effect as we are in year 2 but I just wanted to check it wasn't a glitch that needed fixing. Thanks
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