Deej wins the lottery. After mooning everybody at the studio and giving them the bird, he flies off to a remote island to retire and never be heard from again. Unfortunately, Cozmo couldn't handle the community's abuse and had a mental breakdown.
After a week with no management (we couldn't even tell the difference, right?), Bungie asks YOU to step to the plate.
What is your next move?
Edit: Almost forgot my obligatory Deej link:
I'd do a hell of a lot better job then deej does anyone ever see him post? How many things asked by the community has actually been put into the game (not including changes they -blam!-ed up in the first place and the fix it so they look like the good guys aka weapon parts) we've been asking for custom lobbies since before the game launched its #1 on the wishlist and still no mention of it whatsoever
Are you kidding me?? Communicate with this sack of crying hillbillies every week? The ONLY thing this guy likes about his job is the company. Dealing with the community must make him contemplate life.
Sit back and do nothing. It worked for deej.
pack my bags, i get to olay the game all the time and at the same time make money out of it....
I would start by putting all these babies in their place. You want this nerf? Well too -blam!-ing bad life's not fair.
Editado por KitsuneSonow: 11/19/2015 8:30:55 AMWatch as inflammatory comments are thrown my way constantly (as well as death threats) even though I am pretty much just a glorified messenger boy between two parties. Then laugh as people blame me for changes not being made even though I honestly would have nothing to do with what is changed and implemented into the game.
Pic caption was wrong. It should be something about fags and seahawks fans They go hand in hand
Announce year 2 Gjallarhorn.... For 2000 silver.
Revive VoG and CE to yr2
Editado por lynk: 11/19/2015 6:01:28 AMDecline. I don't wanna be paid to be hated #TitanMasterRace
I would say thanks but no thanks. Unless the money was incredible.
RNGesus be with you. The devs are busy nerfing all the stuff and things. The loot system isnt broken, just grind. There are plenty of weapon parts, just grind. The economy is perfect amd society should be modeled after it, just grind. DO NOT complain when devs reverse maps, reskin gear, and reskin enemies to resell you. Love IT and grind. Crucible is not a laggy mess, embrace the chaos. Git Gud, Xerho P.S. Support the live team buy the new "Make it rain" emote and throw money at the screen skrubz. [spoiler]Did I get the job?[/spoiler]
Start replying Tell people what we can do, what we might do, what we aren't going to do. I've learnt from my job that when given bad or news they don't like most people quickly move on. It's the lack of communication that gets annoying. Look at this community, how vocal have we all become over the last few weeks, why ? Because we haven't been communicated with. And when we are it's condescending "it's our game..." and doesn't address players concerns. A simple "we know you are unhappy bit at the moment we have no plans to change it" would molify a lot of the complaints.
Tell the whiners to shut the -blam!- up. Anybody that offers actual constructive criticism though, will actually be listened to.
My first move is to ask 2 questions. What kind of pay are you offering? And Will you pay for me to move?
I'd probably tell people what was going on at bungie and be fired for telling the simple truth, you know, like Marty did.
Lol honestly id love to help the community, i have no problem not getting salty from people constantly bitching and I would try to answer as many questions as I could lol
Editado por SnazzySquid: 11/17/2015 4:18:51 PMPost 1: explaining what as Community Manager I actually do. Permasticky that thing.
I would make destiny what it should have been.
Poison chalice, NO thanks!
You see my updates
I would make all the crybabys miss Deej, because I wouldn't take all the bs he puts up with.
You get a Gjallarhorn! YOU get a Gjallarhorn! EVERYBODY gets a Gjallarhorn!!! (needing 1656 weapon parts to upgrade)
I'd say no thank you, don't want to be a puppet
start telling people "we're listening" and hope i'm being paid a shit tonne of money
Temp bans will rain oh yesss