My buddy has beaten the raid since it came out and is getting crap for loot drops and is pretty much giving up. When you don't move up any light for like 3 weeks what point is there? My friends list is getting shorter from friends playing different games because they are tired of getting crapped on in the raid drops. I guess my point is Bungie your loosing people and in my opinion changing raid drops should be high priority!
Editado por Cooper: 12/1/2015 12:06:47 PMChallenge mode is out and for this week the Warpriest when done right gives guaranteed 320 artifact and weapon (rocket launcher, HMG or sniper were seen). Next week we will get to Golgoroth so I assume that 320 armor will be guaranteed on CM.
Bungie seems to think that if they let people get to max light then they won't play. In reality when people got to the max in the past, they still played. They helped others more and there was less elitism in the game.
There actually isn't any point in hard raid besides a little more efficiency during hard raid. Hard raid is just harder Norma mode. So the point of hard mode is negligible at best.
Fall out 4?
I've been stuck at 315 for a whole month lol. I'm taking a long needed break from this horrid game starting tonight
I have not moved up in light in seven weeks.
Play trials then
Funny thing is that you could ask what's in it for players of [i]any[/i] light level. There's nothing rewarding about being a completionist in Destiny and they make it excruciatingly time consuming and not fun. Get better rewards to become a high enough level to get into the raid to [i]hopefully[/i] become a higher level to get into the harder version of the raid to [i]hopefully[/i] become the highest level to... I got nothing after that.
If you do t want to respect my opinion cause I haven't done the raid you don't have to, but personally I just save my guns that are relatively high attack but lower than my attack for my other characters
I beaten hard raid 5 times on each one of my characters and the highest gear I have is a 320 ghost and then a 315 rocket. The rest of the loot is 313's
When are people going to ever wake up? Bungie wants everyone to grind longer so you play the game longer. When Bungie added 20 different lights levels to one weapon. That is a clue people....
beat oryx on HM with my 316 warlock today i got 304 fusion rifle, antiquated rune and 5 wormspore i'm pretty much done with this game
People will play other games regardless
Then after you're done all three, wait until next dlc for your time to be rendered wasted... then do it all over again for 8 more years
Once you're 315 you're pretty much set till challenge mode comes out. I haven't raided in a couple weeks since my progression stopped (I run at 314 - 316 but can max at 317). So far that decision was a good one. I think imma start helping people run normal raids now.
Crying on the forums how op stuff is
Nothing. We all know the next DLC will bring 320 gear from vendors anyway.
Editado por iStayGold3n: 11/30/2015 9:12:35 AMSwitch to a different character and get all three hard raid ready. That's what I'm in the process of doing and find it to be a lot of fun and I see my load out slowly growing higher and higher on all three characters
Yeah all i get now in hard raid is everything under 313 and under! Its pretty shit