I looted the Titan Class Item from the Sisters on the Raid. I got the emblem thing saying I got it on the side of my screen, but when I checked my Inventory it wasn't there and the Postmaster didn't have anything for me either when I checked after completing the Raid. HELP! I was really trying to get that piece of armour in specific!
Editado por Azamonster: 12/8/2015 8:02:12 AMSame for me last night. Hunter Class. Killed the Sisters, looted the chest and saw the items and everything flash up on the right side of my screen. Checked inventory which had slots free in every category, but none of the new gear was there. Nothing at the postmaster either. Ever figure out what went wrong? Only thing I can think of is that I didn't press X (didn't think you had to since the items popped up at the side of my screen, but I guess it could be a factor).