Post your best SRL WTF and WTH moments.
Was victory ripped from your grasp?
Did 2st cross the line 20 seconds before 2nd place despite being behind the whole race?
Let me set the scene for me own WTF moment
PIcture it, you are three gates from victory, not one obstical in the way, you are in a fierce battle with 2nd place to keep the lead and take the flag.
THREE flags to go, you hit the flag side by side with 2nd place.
TWO flags to go, 2nd place missed the flag and you pull ahead, certain in your victory
Almost at the last flag before the finish line...... no way 2nd can catch you if you hit that flag
2nd place tears past you as if you were going backwards, ignores the last flag and smashed the finish line almost a second ahead
Bug, Glitch, Exploit, Cheat?
Who knows, but bloody annoying!!!
The fact that this SRL thing was just a stupid version of Mario kart
Editado por westsa: 1/9/2016 3:43:39 PM*lands on the ground* *gets killed in finish line* •.• I placed 8th... Wait 8th??? Yeah because your not in Seventh Column -.-
Had the lead the ENTIRE race Dropped the soap at the last second For the first time in ages,I'm havin words with my TV.
Smashed my Vader controller
Lag... And the fact that maybe it was 3rd place who came up behind you
I've had the same happen to me a few times. The oddest one I was 3rd passed 2nd place on the last gate. Finished 2nd then watched the finishing board move me from 2nd to 3rd. There was only tenths of a second difference. Also been having problems with the trick emo pad not working correctly. Sucks when you need a side boost and you trick didn't happen to recharge it.
With music: Without music:
I died 3 times in one race 1. Somebody bumped me 2. Somebody bumped me 3. I thought I had a good turn on a sharp turn but Bungie forgot to put a barrier on the corner! I got 4th
I was in 2nd, on the third lap on Mars. The guy in 3rd bumps me in the butt, I go flying and get throughly lodged in the fan blade. I finished 6th.
Editado por Capsuleer_7: 12/22/2015 9:15:55 AMOn my Titan, who apparently is the only one of my characters with this problem, bouncing on landings and flipping. Going perfectly along, make a jump, then BOUNCE on the landing killing all forward momentum. Sometimes it is a bounce straight upwards followed by a flip. And it only ever happens on Mars. Happened several times in a row where I was leading by a little and lost it all. I was stuck thinking "Alright, just recover and make third." followed by a flip or more bouncing. I'm starting my Titan is cursed or made of the same stuff as super bouncy balls.
Just race for fun now. You'll find me parked right at the end of that sharp turn on Venus waiting for people to run into me and fall off the edge ;)
Editado por Canadian Dalek: 12/19/2015 5:05:25 AM Related post Edit: oops. Wrong thread
not once not twice but almost every race tonight people with crappy connections are lagging all over the place it's like playing with vanellope from wreck it Ralph
So if any 360 players want to form a fireteam of 6 and rank up quickly..take turns finishing top 3 and wins..let me know.. Im getting tired getting bumped 2nd to last corner:/
As a player of gta, the first place car has a speed cap so others can catch up. Would not be surprised if we have something along the same lines.
Need group to finish quest line. Message GT above
Facepalm moment - Whooooooo I'm first! *sits at finish line looking at stream chat on laptop* Suddenly, Amanda's voice - 'Get back in first!' Wait what?! Oh... Snap... That was only lap 2!
- I was mad
On venus and i am about to be first i had a good lead and couldn't possibly lose. BOOM devil walker blows me up and i get last place
Trying to guess which position to finish in to get a legendary!
Even better, when you face opponents that can't race for s**t but figure racing means blowing everyone else up. Had 2 players body check me (and another racer after) into the walls and obstructions, take a solid last place after one burns all his boosts slamming me onto a path with the fan. Player hits the brakes and sidechecks me into the fan again once I respawn.
On Mars in first, went through that jump thing before the fans, for some reason it doesn't shoot me through as fast as normal and I hit the edge of the cliff, do a few flips/rolls and die while the rest of the pack passes me up
Those fans on Mars... Every freaking time one of those gets me! And I mean literally every -blam!-ing lap! Aim to the left, bam exploded, aim to the right I'm dead, run straight at it, no excaping this. Made it through the first one, what's this? Made it through the second one, I can't believe what I'm seeing! Perfectly alligned for the last one, I'm gonna make it, it's really happening! Bumped from behind, swerve to the side, full frontal collision with the fanblade and myself and my sparrow get splattered all over it. [spoiler]Have I told you about that time I managed to hit all three of them in one single lap? There should be an award for that! [/spoiler]
I get the mars fan blade stuck between the front of my sparrow more than i care to admit