[b][u]Racing in a Sparrow Wonderland[/u][/b]
Sparrows zing,
Horns a whistling.
To my ghost,
I ain't listening
Yeah, I lost the lead.
Don't patronize me!
Racing in a sparrow wonderland.
Blown away, hit a fan blade.
Bets were made, sorry there Cayde!
I hit that turn wrong,
Your glimmer's all gone.
Crashing in a sparrow wonderland.
In the tunnel I just hit a Captain.
Oh no! A fellow racer is down!
Ghost says are you worried?
I say, "no man!"
But I know you should be,
If you don't pipe down!
Carry on,
Time's a wastin'.
There's no hope in me placing.
From first to third,...
Is that a duck I just heard?
Honking in a sparrow wonderland.
Shaxx starts singing,
I ain't listening.
Won't stop dissing!
I can't concentrate!
Why all the hate?
Yapping in a sparrow wonderland.
Look that way, it's the next gate.
Wall in the way, oh no too late!
My boost went bye-bye,
As the racers fly by.
Losing in a sparrow wonderland.
Here on Venus, I can really fly man.
And pretend that I'm the best around.
Geesh that warp gate let me have it..WHOAH Man!!!
Hello there again, wall-- Guardian down!
May not win,
But it's still funny.
Gotta helmet, a three-twenty!
For coming in last, still had a blast.
Racing in a sparrow wonderland!
Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays/Hollidays to everyone!
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