So today I went to to look for a decent group for trials. Found one and we went in (everything normal so far right?), reached 5 wins then one of the guys left and never came back (the usual king of ragequitters), so i looked for a guy on lfg and found one. He came in the party and for some reason the guy that was from the original group looked at the new guy's stats, he had 45% win ratio and had 0.98 kd in trials. I had no problem because i'm used to seeing bad people or [b]noobs[/b] so i was ok with that but the other guy was not going in with him. Then, they started fighting in the party and they fought over how the hell did the new guy have a flawless emblem. So i suggested "skirmish" the guy went on a good streak and got some nice snipes and we won with the mercy rule. That seemed good for the elitist guy so went in and reached 8-0 in than BAM!!! Chaos ( the streamer) comes against us and we lose 5-2 (frustrating).
The point of all what i'm trying to say here is that stats don't show what you are, yes its new to have nice stats but you have to help others get them like you got it. So a word to all mlg pros and elitists and scumbags. Plz git gud😁, and as i say on my lfg group "help us as we help you".
See y'all later✋
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