Honestly, it feels like Destiny should be only PvP. Like unreal tournament. There would be no complaints since it wouldn't have a PvE crew. Don't get me wrong, I hate PvP only games and I don't play PvP on any game. I just am tired of seeing Destiny go down the toilet.
Why would you scream for a nerf on raids and strikes? You'd want every weapon to be powerful It's the PvP that's screaming for nerfs.... Holy shit, tell your mom to hide the crayons, how many have you already eaten?
Because space magic is super realistic
Maybe if 343 took over....
[quote]the only complaints come from pve[/quote] muted PVP tard
Pvpers r the ones killing the game, (other than the crap bungie is already doing)and yes I play both pve and pvp.
You haven't been here for very long have you? It's the PVP players that got auto's, fusions, truth, shotguns, the vex and hand cannons nerfed, not PVE players.
If we were to convert destiny into a one-mode game, it'd be better off purely PvE. PvP has too many complaints and problems
[quote]There would be no complaints since it wouldn't have a PvE crew.[/quote] Are you kidding me? The people that complain the most are the [u]PvP[/u] players. Some of their complaints are justifiable since any brokenness directly affects their ability to have a good time playing. But it's the PvE players that have to sit and deal with the complaints of the PvP players. Don't get me wrong, PvE players complain. But it's certainly not a reason to completely scrap an entire portion of a game. You're just setting yourself up for more complaints.
Please don't ever put that line together like that ever again. old school UT/Unreal curb stomps this game (and shooters out there)
How about dedicated servers first.
Maybe if bungie was removed and replaced by a company who specializes in games like this, the game would improve by light years