Post below your most memorable moment in Destiny! It could be anything from getting a new piece of gear to good no on a 100 kill streak! (that would be awesome)
Edit: Thank you so much for 250 replies! You guardians have shared a lot of funny and crazy moments in Destiny!
Edit: It seems like a lot of memorable moments include first vog completions, trials clutches, and crazy loot drops! Let's hear some more moments guardians!
Edit: Holy crap guys thank you so much for getting this post to 300 replies! (about 50 of those are me replying but who cares) This has been my largest post ever, thank you!
Edit: If you have a clip to go along side your moment please include it! I was thinking I could put them in a spoiler or something so everyone can see it! (Think like a top 10 or something)
Edit: 400 Replies!!!
My first earned exotic. A 290 thunderlord from exotic farming in strikes.
Finally getting the vex just before TTK was released. Played VoG since released. Or finally reaching the end of the forever 29 xD
Finishing the VoG for the first time. Getting the Vex when people actually gave a f.uck about it.
my first raid
Taniks has no house. He kneels before no banner. Owes allegiance to no Kell. He is a MURDERER, and very good at what he does. I have been tracking him since Wolves broke their chains, yes? Now Taniks works for Wolf pack... But not for long. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
On day 2 of Crota hard mode I was with a group going for my second clear. At the time everyone didn't have it down pat, so we had wiped several times already. I'm standing on one of the little platforms rather than the ledge so I could get a better shot at the sword bearer. Our sword guy is going in for his final sword run. Crota is blocked from where I'm standing so I jump to fire 2 gjallarhorns rounds... I miss the platform coming down and fire the second rocket right into it, killing myself and summoning the oversoul. My jaw dropped and I wanted to stab myself, but all of the sudden the rewards popped on the screen. The sword guy had gotten the job done and wrecked Crota regardless. That, of all things sticks out in my mind more than anything.
Downing Crota as sword bearer first time with a mostly random team. They all stayed and were patient. I was shaking when I did it. Dance party ensued.
Titan smashing the entire enemy team off heavy ammo in iron banner. The hate mail was even better.
Getting gjallarhorn and going "meh... Would rather use this truth thing here
First time my team beat Atheon. That was amazing!!
Editado por psychoslipknot: 1/10/2016 9:04:55 AM4 moments. 1st, joining a raid for the first time with a blue auto rifle. Felt so lost. Unfortunately didn't succeed in it. 2nd, beating crota as the sword wielder, I had to wield the sword because my rocket launcher sucked compared to everyone else's. So it was my first time trying that. 3rd, going flawless with my pve group. This just felt so good. I was honestly speechless about this. 4th, not as memorable as the other 3, but beating skolas with lightswitch felt nice. Nice topic op
Editado por ninjaclimb: 1/10/2016 9:03:05 AMMaking friends run before the bridge it is formed.. They fell to their death.
Getting unbroken and sum of all tears with nlb and sidearm in one game
Killing atheon crota skolas and oryx for the first time
getting a flawless for the first time in year one and the final match being a 5-0 and the final round being me using golden gun and wiping their whole team with two bullets wasting one and killing a self res with the fourth thusly making a perfect ending
Beating Skolas with Lightswitch...hardest thing I've done so to the BS mission (still don't have it yet)
The day I got my vision of confluence and first iron banner bond the day I had to let them both go. (Still have them waiting for a day I know probably won't come)
Getting a Phantom with nlb on pantheon man I didn't even notice I was closet of getting it,after I got it i wanted the next medal that comes after ( which is it i have no idea ) to bad I got shutdown
Owning the most shoulder charge kills in destiny
The one time I raided. [spoiler]oh wait[/spoiler]
Playing a control match on bannerfall. Mid-match, i pulled some hunter yolo-strats and ran over to their home flag (A). I get there, and there are two defender titans. One was level 40, so i called him papa bubble, and the other was level 8, so he was called little bubbly. They both pop there bubbles on the flag, effectively stopping me from taking it cuz i wasnt about to get shit on by the double-bubble power. So, i hit em with a hot dance move and little bubbly took the bait. He began chasing me, so i ran round a corner and picked him off out of sight from papa bubble. Big pops wasnt to keen on having his son merced by such a sexy hunter, so he left his bubble fortress. He made quick work of me, proceeded to do the "come at me broooo" emote and that was my most memorable moment in destiny
Threw a hammer across the map and killed the entire team
Always getting Vision of Confluence from Vault of Glass but hating it because I was obsessed with Fatebringer. Then I started playing with Vision after everything started having solar shields and ever since then I've loved it. To this day, I haven't run a single Vault of Glass run without getting a Vision of Confluence. Seriously.
Getting my first faction ship. Vacuum Dialogue... so stoked!
Getting my first kill in Crucible back in Beta. I was shite at PvP back then and still pretty terrible now :T