publicado originalmente en:The Friends List
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Nintendo 64 was the first console I ever got. Other than playing the Age of Empires 2 demo on PC, the first two games I ever played were Super Mario 64 and 007: Goldeneye. I then enjoyed countless hours on SSB, Pokemon: Snap, Pokemon: Stadium, SW: Rogue Squadron, SW: Shadows of the Empire, SW: Racer, and so many others!
Then my dad pawned my 64 and that was that.
Then my girlfriend got a 64 from a garage sale! I got her a second controller for Christmas, and now we're hunting games. Apart from the classics I enjoyed when I was but a wee wizard, I'm making a list of games I never played that I should have, and I'm asking for your help!
[b][i][u]Must haves[/u][/i][/b]
Pokemans: Snap
Pokemans: Stadium
007: Goldeneye
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart
SW: Rogue Squadron
SW: Shadows of the Empire
SW: Racer
Zelda (which one should I play first?)
Perfect Dark
Pilot wings